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Eid Mubarak

Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin...

Alhamdulilah selesai sudah sebulan berpuasa..raya disambut dgn suasana gembira..tetapi kita sering terlupa dapatkan kita berjumpa lagi ramadhan akan datang..? masihkah diri ini bernafas untuk ramadhan seterusnya....? para sahabat menangis kerana cepatnya ramadhan berlalu...bulan Al Quran diturunkan..bulan keberkatan..bulan kerahmatan..

Bagiku ramadhan kali ini penuh makna..wlaupun tarawih masih tak penuh sebulan..solat malam masih kurang..tapi byk yang ku kenangi dan insafi di ramadhan kali ini..
Inilah ramadhan ku tanpa arwah adikku yg tercinta..sedih hati mengengkan saat2 manis berpuasa dan berbuka bersama2nya...gelak tawa, rajuk senda terbayang2 di setiap saat ramadhan ini...ramadhan kali ini cuma sekalai aku merasai bersama kakak yg tercinta.cuma pada hari pertama di Putrajaya...alhamdulilah walau pun sehari tapi saat manis itu sentiasa di hati...kekurangan diri kadang2 membuat diri rasa hina..tapi Allah lebih mengetahu segalanya...semoga dapat ku bertemu ramadhan akan datang......


Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin...



Alhamdulilah hari ni ada new sister converted to Islam, saya ada bersama-sama menjadi saksi langkah permulaan buat dirinya untuk mengenal Allah. Sepanjang saya bersama-sama sahabat di ruangan Yahoo Messenger sejak bertahun-tahun yang lalu sehingga membentuk satu kumpulan sahabat-sahabat yang memperjuangkan agama Allah melalui teknologi ke pelusuk dunia. Ramai di kalangan sahabat-sahabat ini merupkan saudara baru di mana keindahan dan kelogikan (tatabahasa salah) Al-Quran Kitabuallah telah membuka mata, hati dan minda mereka untuk menerima Islam dalam keadaan suasana dunia yang penuh dengan kebencian kepada Islam. Alhamdulillah hidayah Allah itu di mana-mana cuma diri kita yang menolaknya(ni lagu nasheed lama..tak ingat penyanyinya)..saya amat berbangga dan rasa rendah diri dengan effort ingin belajar di kalangan sahabat-sahabat baru ni. Tetapi betullah untuk mencari hidayah itu perlukan usaha, beribadah dan disertai keimanan di dalam hati( kalau cakap kosong di mulut shj. tak berguna), Allah itu dekat sangat dengan kita, cuma kelekaan dan kelalain dengan perkara-perkara dunia membuatkan kita lupa bahawa Allah itu sangat dekat dengan kita.

Sesiapa yang telah ditunjukkan Allah hidayah kepadanya perlulah berusaha bersungguh-sungguh memelihara hidayah itu supaya tidak goyah dan hilang begitu sahaja. Bagaimana hendak menjaga hidayah itu?? Imam Al- Ghazali berkata tinggal lah kamu berasama-sama dengan sahabat-sahabat yang sentiasa mendekat diri kepada Allah bukan kawan-kawan yang jauh dari Allah...ini salah satu dari cara-cara menjaga hidayah dan ada lagi perkara-perkara yang perlu utk menajaga hidayah dari petunjuk alim ulama' dan saliful soleh dari kitab-kitab karangan mereka.

Mencari hidayah ini banyak diterangkan di dalam Al - Quran seperti perjalanan Nabi Ibrahim a.s mencari tuhannya. Seperti firman Allah di dalam surah An-An'am

“ Ketika malam telah menjadi gelap, manusia yang mencari-cari ternampak bintang lalu ia pun berkata, inilah Tuhanku. Apabila bintang itu padam dan hilang tenggelam, ia mengatakan aku tidak suka Tuhan yang hilang. Bila dilihatnya bulan mengambang ia pun berkata, itulah Tuhanku.“Setelah bulan jatuh ia pun berkata, sesungguhnya jika Tuhan tidak memberikan petunjuk kepadaku, pastilah aku termasuk ke dalam orang-orang yang tersesat dan apabila dia melihat matahari terbit, maka ia berkata, inilah Tuhanku yang lebih besar dan apabila matahari terbenam dia berkata sesungguhnya aku berlepas diri daripada apa yang mahu mempersekutukan.”

Peliharalah hidayah itu dengan sebaik-baiknya, alangkah ruginya kita jika sudah menerima hidayah Allah tetapi mempersia-siakan hidayah itu.

Dan Dialah yang menjadikan bintang-bintang bagimu, agar kamu menjadikannya petunjuk dalam kegelapan di darat dan di laut, sesungguhnya Kami telah menjelaskan tanda-tanda kebesaran kepada orang-orang yang mengetahui.” (Ayat 97, surah al- An'am


Akrab Persahabatan

kak ingatlah kenangan kita bersama...this video especiall for my friend,kak ita,kak fad,kak chik,kak rose,linda,kak murni dan geng2 sahabat imad to all my love friends...ingatlah kenangan kita bersama...kan lagu ni kita menyanyi masa majlis penutupan simposium imad 2003. Semoga Allah merahmati kalian..dan terus memperkukuhkan ikatan persahabatan kita....muah,,muah...


ntah ler apa ni....


Kematian Pasti Datang(Meshary Alarada - Farshy AlTurab )

Say: 'Death, from which you are fleeing, will certainly catch up with you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible and He will inform you about what you did.' (Surat al-Jumu'ah: 8)

Let alone an hour, not even after a single moment, is it certain that you will be still living. There is no guarantee that you will ever finish reading this book. Death will, most likely, come upon you at a time when, only a moment before, you never thought about dying. Ia past datang.......

" Tiap- tiap yang berjiwa pasti akan merasai mati kemudian hanya kepada Kamilah kamu dikembalikan " Al Quran 29;57

"Mankind! Allah’s promise is true. Do not let the life of the world delude you..." (Qur'an, 35:5)

This is the very essence of destiny's reality,one that is not well understood by most people, especially materialists, who deny it completely. Destiny is God's perfect knowledge of all events, past or future. Many, if not most, question how God can already know events that have not yet been experienced, and this leads them to fail to understand the authenticity of destiny. However, events not yet experienced are not yet experienced by us only. God is not bound by time or space, for He Himself has created them. For this reason, the past, the future, and the present are all the same to God; for Him, everything has already taken place and is finished.

Sewaktu artikel ini ditulis dan pada ketika ini aku mendengar khabar kematian dari seorang yang amat ku kenal, dan juga sebagai jiran kampungku. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya...innalillah hi wainnaialaihirajiuun.....ia pasti datang....


Islam Quran Recitation Isha and Tarawih qiyam prayers Masjid Ahmad ibn Hanbal

WWW.TURNTOISLAM.COM Islam Quran Recitation Isha and Taraweeh qiyam prayers Masjid Ahmad ibn Hanbal Part 1, Tarawih







This is a light meal taken shortly before the break of dawn. There is consensus that this meal is a highly recommended Sunnah.

In reports by Bukhari and Muslim, Anas (raa) related that the Messenger of Allah said: "Take your early morning meal for in that is a blessing." In another report by Miqdam bin Ma'a Diyikarib (raa) the Messenger of Allah (saas) said: "Take this early morning meal for it is a blessed meal."

In both ahadiths the statement underscores the importance of sahuur, and to caution anyone from thinking they can just stay without a meal all night and continue with fasting. This may explain why the statement came as a command. Although it is not mandatory to eat sahuur, it is highly encouraged so that anyone intending to fast will make an effort to take sahuur.
The crux of the matter is not to show how strong you are, but how obedient you are.

Sahuur, above all, ensures that the devotee has the energy he or she will need during the course of the day, and it makes the fast easier.

Tajuddin B. Shu`aibDa`awah Enterprises International


Dia Yang Ku Sayang

Dia Yang Ku Sayang Selamanya....

Aduh rindunya aku padanya...apa khabar dia..jalinan ukhuwah ingin ku tautkan agar lebih erat dan akrab...sahabat ku...kau selalu di hatiku...rinduku pada kenanang dulu terus mengusik jiwaku...rindunya aku padamu...hari ni ingat nak sma dia tapi dia tak sms pun....hmm walaupun jauh di mata tapi tetap di hati...takkan nak tunggu dia sms dulu kot??
teringat aku pada kisah sahabat .....nak cerita ni satu hari...
Saidina Umar Al Khatab mengadu kepada Rasullah ..' Ya Rasulullah Ali tidak pernah memulakan mengucap salam padaku..' kemudian Rasullullah memanggil Saidina Ali : ' Benarkah engkau tidak pernah memulakan memberi salam pada Umar?
Saidina Ali berkata benar Ya Rasullulah...bukankah dulu engkau pernah berkata sesiapa yang memulai memberi salam maka Allah menyediakan baginya istana di syurga kerana itu aku sering membiarkan Umar memberi salam padaku dahulu kerana aku mahu dia mendapat istana do syurga...........' boleh ke cerita ni dijadikan alasan dlm kes aku ni ??? (to be continue............)

p/s tengok gambar kucing di atas >>> comel kan.!!!


Hadith about Ramadhan

Hadith No. 1

Why the name Ramadhan?
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم :
{إنَّما سُمِّي رَمَضَانُ لأنَّهُ يُرَمْضُ الذُّنوبُ}
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said:
Surely, the month of Ramadhan has been named so because it scorches away the sins.
Kanz ai-'Ummal, H.: 23688

Hadith No. 2

The Reverence of the Month of Ramadhan.
قال علي عليه السلا
م :
{لا تَقُولُوا رَمَضَانَ ولَكِنْ قُولُوا شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ فإنَّكُمْ لا تَدْرُونَ مَا رَمَضَانُ}
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said:
Do not say Ramadhan rather say month of Ramadhan, for surely you know not what (really) Ramadhan is.
AI-Kafi, Vol.: 4, Pg.: 69

Hadith No. 3

The Name of God
قال الصادق عليه السلام
{لا تَقُولُوا هَذَا رَمَضَانُ ولا ذَهَبَ رَمَضَانُ ولا جَاءَ رَمَضَانُ فَإنَّ رمَضَانَ إسْمٌ مِنْ أسْمَاءِ اللهِ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ لا يَحِيءُ ولا يَذْهَبُ و إنَّمَا يَحِيءُ وَ يَذْهَبُ الزَّائِلُ ولَكِنْ قُولُوا شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ}
Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said:
Say not, "This is Ramadhan" and "Ramadhan has departed" and "Ramadhan has arrived" for surely, Ramadhan is one of the names of Allah, The Mighty the Glorious, who neither arrives nor departs.
Surely, arrives and departs that, which is ephemeral. Instead say: "The month of Ramadhan".
AI-Kafi, Vol.: 4, Pg.: 70



assalamualaikum wr wb

Happy Ramadhan.....

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. It is during this month that Muslims observe the Fast of Ramadan. Lasting for the entire month, Muslims fast during the daylight hours and in the evening eat small meals and visit with friends and family. It is a time of worship and contemplation. A time to strengthen family and community ties.

During the Fast of Ramadan strict restraints are placed on the daily lives of Muslims. They are not allowed to eat or drink during the daylight hours. Smoking and sexual relations are also forbidden during fasting. fasting is a way of experiencing hunger and developing sympathy for the less fortunate, and learning to thankfulness and appreciation for all of God's bounties. Fasting is also beneficial to the health and provides a break in the cycle of rigid habits or overindulgence.

O you who believe, fasting is decreed for you, as it was decreed for those before you, that you may attain salvation. ( Al-Baqarah 183)


aisha's blog

aisha's blogSelamat menempuh alam baru,,semuga berkekalan sampai ke Jannah. ash,,walau apa pun persahabatan kita yang telah terjalin sebegitu lama jangan di lupakan yaaa..
Jangan nanti sudah dapat yang baru,,,kami di lupakan:D


Reverted Story from Anonymous

Let me start this revert story to let you know this is A true blessing for me to come to Islam and to find Allah of whom whether I know it or not was searching for since i was a small child. I will share with u some brief past to let you know who I use to be and how Allah has brought me to a Strong, humble, Muslimah.

You see when I was a small child up until one year ago, my family never taught me about God or had me in church ever or anything that had to do with religion. I grew up believing there was no God and I did anything as I like because nothing seemed a sin in my family. U could almost say I was a spoiled brat and I did what I wanted whenever I wanted and no one cared to be honest.

I had no discipline or certain way to be. As you can tell this lead me down a very bad sinful life. After my parents divorced at the age of 7, it was all downfall from there. After that I grew up with a mother who had mental issues and a very bad alcohol problem and many men problems as well. She let bad things happen to me with her ex husband so I began to rebel at an early age because at the time I hated her and her husband for this.

I started hanging out with so called friends,partying, and so on. I even began to drink at the age of 13 because things in my house had become so bad in my house and my mother and step dad always drank so I thought it would help my problems and make them go away. Of course it did'nt. I had nothing to believe in so I livedday after day doing this. I started having boyfriends at the age of 13 as well and it was fine with my family almost an ordinary thing for them. It was'nt before long I became pregnant at the age of 15 with my then boyfriend in high school. I had baby at 16 and when I graduate at the age of 18 my son stayed withthe father and his parents while I went to another state and attended school. Then I seemed liek a teen all over again and I had fun while I attended school but the wrong kind of fun as you can see. I did what I wanted to do again.

I had a job, went to school, had my own place andmy own money so it seemed no one could tell me what to do. I thought I knew everything. I met a new man and I got pregnant and so we married and I quit school. Needless To say, he had affair after affair on me and by the time my son was born he left me for another woman and another baby. So there I was at the age of 19, single parent, alone, and depressed. I decided to make some changes in my life. This was some type of turnign point for me. I calmed down completely. I went to school, went to work and lived for my kids. I felt there was somethign missing though. I wanted to know God at this point. I wanted to have that happy feeling of believeing in him and so on. So I started going to church. I did'nt find a sense of belonging there and I did'nt believe in what theywere preaching to me about this trinity and about Jesus being the begotten son of God. So i stopped attending and a year later I started joining the Kingdom Hall at the age of 20. But somehow this just was'nt right for me either.

I did'nt feel God and I did'nt have the feeling or anything. I did'nt believe. So i went there still yes but only to have something to belong to in front of peaopl. I knwo this sounds wrong and it is but at the time I did;nt want anyone to know I did'nt believe in God and all soi just attended to attend. It was at this point I really began to feel that there was no God. Here I was just turned 21 and I did'nt feel anything so I started thinging maybe he was just made up in many religions for people to have something to believe in. You knwo what is amazing is that that whole time I was searching for God and then someone came to me. I met this woman. Very different then most woman i communicated with. She always dress so strangely to me. She interested me eventhough it seemed we had nothing in common. I asked her oneday why she dress this way and why she dont shake hands with the men that come in the building and she say very humbly "because I am muslim and I love Allah". I thought this was almost funny to me. I was like yeah ok sarcastically.

She would always try to offer me books after that and I would take them btu wouldnt read them like she wanted me to I'm sure. Then oneday. I was really bored and I said why not. I got nothing to lose it seemed so I picked one book up and started reading it. It really had my attention. I wanted to learn more so I asked her for more. Then I found myself getting on the internet and reading and goiong to Islamic rooms to find trur muslims and see there input on things.I read and I read and this knowledge made sense to me. It was clear. The message was clear to me. It felt right. Would you nelieve one night I woke up in the middle of the night.Wallahi I had this sudden happy feeling. I was emotional. I was happy. Happy as I could ever remember being happy. I was crying Allah's name. He was and is my God. I found him.I felt him near at that point.

I couldnt explain the way I felt honestly and to this day I still cant exp[lain how happy I felt at that moment. Through all the years of emotional abuse, sexual abuse, mental abuse, and through all my life and sins there HE was. Do you know this is such a wonderful thing for me. Think how Allah has changed my life. I cover and in hijab everyday, I am married to a muslim man and he love me dearly and take care of me and my children, and I am the happiest I have ever been. All Praise is due to Allah..Ameen...

Anonymous June 16, 2006


Converted Story from Sister Sarah

i first heard about islam from the television where i was watching about hajj and i also had heard the stuff everyone hears about islam so i decided i would read about islam in a book..... it told me about the prophet mohammed and how the Quran came to us.... so then i came online and met a couple of people from an arab chat and they told me about islam... i met my friend nader who later got married and told me i could talk to his wife about islam who was american and was a revert .... i asked her a lot of questions about islam and asked her questions i had as a christain and couldnt find the answer to, but she had the answers from the Quran.... i come to learn more and more about islam and i read some of the quran and i asked her how to become a muslim..

she told me and i made the decision that islam made sense to me and that i could totaly trust in Allah i would never find questions about my faith again... because before that i had been a christian, baptist and i always questioned the exsistence of god and at one time i even became a atheist... ever since i learned about islam and became a muslim i feel more at peace... i used to always feel sad and very depressed but now i know Allah is there and he is helping me get through it all and with Allah i can do anything... since i live in a small town in the south being a muslim isnt exactly easy... there isnt a big muslim community that i know of.. there is about 2 or 3 mosques here that i know of... i dont see muslims anywhere around in my town... as a matter of fact i think im the only one... my parents said it was my decision to make when it came to faith since i was old enough to know righ from wrong.... my dad doesnt seem to be to happy with my decision he thinks i wasnt born a muslim i cant be a muslim... he thinks im just doing this for attention... my mom on the other hand is ok with it she still is head strong about being christain though and would insist

she was right if you were to argue with her... though we both agree we dont argue religion... a few family members poke and make fun of me.... others are just like whatever... when i finally got my dad to let me buy hijab i wore to school i had been going to school for about a month so it was a big change when i wore it though i told everyone who i talked to that i was muslim... i walked in the school building and everyone kept staring and some mad fun of me.... then it came down to the principal who stops me in the hall and says i cannot wear it in the building and i refused to take it off... i told him as american i have the right to wear it... for the 1st amendment states freedom of speech, religion, beliefs etc... the principal and officer told me i had to wait in the office to talk to the head principal and they laughed...

i wasted my time waiting just to hear that i could wear it only for the rest of that day that he would contact the schools lawyer.. later he tells me that if i dont wear full islamic clothing i cannot wear my hijjab that there is no such thing as half muslim... that if i were to wear it i had to wear an abaya... i could not afford one and i wasnt going to let this statement keep me from wearing it so i went behind my parents backs and sent a email to this association for muslims in america... they contacted the school and it went to court... my mom found out and told the woman i was only 17 and she made my decisions.. the woman appologized and said she couldnt help me then... but it still went through court they said that i could wear hijab if my parents signed a note saying i converted to islam and my dad refused so i had to go without wearing it..

they took my hijabs away and finally i got them back only time i wear them is in prayer.. as a muslim in america its not easy but i will never let someone stop me from trusting Allah and having faith in Allah... as a muslim in america you must never quit and never let what someone says stop you ... just try to dedicate some of your time to learning the Quran and about Islam and always remember Allah....


Do you think they crazy????

There some stupid conversation among my friends. Belive or not??? dont belive it....

Aisha : I don't know what to buy - a cow or a bicycle.
Sha : You will look silly riding a cow.
Aisha : I will look even sillier trying to milk a bicycle.

Eman : I found twenty cents on the sidewalk.
Lorna: That's mine. I dropped a twenty-cent coin there this morning.
Eman : But, what I found was two ten-cent coins!
Lorna: That's it. I heard it break when it hit the ground.

Virus : Is this my train?
Station Master : No, it belongs to the Railway Company.
Virus : Don't try to be funny. I mean to ask if I can take this train to Kuala Lumpur.
Station Master : No Madam, I'm afraid it's too heavy.

* virus is lady from arab country(i hide her name for security purpose)

Nahla : I can call, "Rover! Rover!" all day long and my cat won't come!
Najah : How come?
Nahla : Because my cat's name's Lucky.

Asma : Have you given the goldfish fresh water?
Pupil : No, Madam. They haven't finished the water I gave them last week.

Rose : Nur says I'm pretty. Lily says I'm ugly. What do u think, Veggie?
Veggie : A bit of both. I think you're pretty ugly.



Smoking and islam
“Every talk(word) u can take from it or not except Rasoul Allah words”

I know many may not agree on that words in here but I am just a messenger to what I known and what I see that is a way where our enemies is try to destroy our ummah , and u al have minds and knowledge to judge as u want and to accept or not according to ur faith and believes, O Allah I have just told others , O Allah witness on that,Allah knows best)

U have to know may Allah have mercy on u that smoking is an evil no way , and some may say it is forbidden in Islam due to what it causes from harms in health , to u and to others and to ur money and ur brain, and it is known among scholars that Islam forbid anything that harms 1) brain, 2) health 3) others 4) money , and no doubt that smoking harms all of that and , and we will have verses from Quran and sunnah to show that inshAllah, and sure not it must be the right words so let just read and analysis and then everyone has mind and ability to judge by himself on smoking and how Islam looks to it. And it was proved by medical that smoking is harmful no doubts, that is why u saw on the cigarette box is written “smoking harms ur health”. In addition, it was proved that many cases of death are due to smoking as it is a direct cause for heart diseases, lungs and veins. And Islam calls u not to kill urself .

Many scholars says that smoking is forbidden due to the following:

First: proves from Qur’an:

قال الله تعالى"وَيٌحِلٌّ لَهٌمٌ الطَّيِّبَاتِ وَ يٌحَرِّمٌ عَلَيْهِمٌ الخَبَائِثَ" ( الاعراف:157)

“Those who follow the apostle, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the law and the Gospel;- for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper." { Al Araaf 7 :157}

And it is known that good and pure (Al tayebat) things(food) the Muslim says when he start to eat it “ BismIllah” and when he finished he says “AlhamduIllah” , and cigarettes not like that , so we known(scholars) it is from bad and impure (kabaeth).

قال الله تعالى"وَلاَ تَقْتٌلٌوا أَََنْفٌسَكٌمْ اِنَّ اللهَ كَانَ بِكٌمْ رَحيِِمَاَ"
( النساء:29)

“ O ye who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities: But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual good-will: Nor kill (or destroy) yourselves: for verily Allah hath been to you Most Merciful! " { Al Nesa 4:29}

And smoking kills millions per year by cancer and others diseases, so it is a slow killing to the soul.

(3) قال الله تعالى" وَ لاَ تٌلْقٌوا بِأَيْديْكٌمْ اِلَى التَّهْلٌكَة" (البقرة: 195)

“And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah loveth those who do good “. {Al Baqarah 2:195}

قال الله تعالى" وَلَا تُبَذِّرْ تَبْذِيرًا(26)إِنَّ الْمُبَذِّرِينَ كَانُوا إِخْوَانَ الشَّيَاطِينِ وَكَانَ الشَّيْطَانُ لِرَبِّه كَفُورًا(27) (الاسراء: 26-27)

“26. And render to the kindred their due rights, as (also) to those in want, and to the wayfarer: But squander not (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift. 27. Verily spendthrifts are brothers of the Evil Ones; and the Evil One is to his Lord (himself) ungrateful. “
{Al Isra 17:26-27}

And the smoker spent his money on smoking and on something which harms him and in disobeying Allah and it is better that he spent that money on his family and children or for Allah sake instead of that that and instead of spending more money later on his sickness and diseases. Is it from the mind and genius that human buy his harm ness by his money!!??

Second: Proves from sunnah:
Rasoul Allah (salla Allah aleh wa salam said) “ No harm and no harm others"لاضرر و لا ضرار" "(means don’t harm urself or harm others) { Bukhari, Ahmed, and was corrected and said sahih by Al Albaney}.
And that is disorder {nahey (نهي)} and disorder (nahey) means forbidden.
( sure not must be right but that is ijtihad but if u don’t accept it so make ijtihad to search for truth and analysis to the above verses hadiths)

Important points to know:

1)Dar Al ifta in Egypt:
made a fatwa says in it” smoking is haram by all ways of shariah” (Dr. shiehk: Naser Fareed Wasel) ,{date: 25 jamad Al Awel 1420 hijeran } Allah knows best.

2) The good smell of muslim is an important thing:
the smell of the smoker is awful and harms who prays and it is more harmful than the smell of onion and garlic , and Rasoul Allah (PBUH) said “ who eat onion or garlic so don’t get nearer to our mosque , as angels get harmed by what harms baney Adam(humans) “ {Muslim}.so fear Allah in the people who prayers, and also Rasoul Allah used to keep the smell of the Muslims who prays good as He (PBUH) said “ perfume ur mouth by sewak ( a stick made from arek wood with good smell used to clean mouth as brush nowdays) as it says Qur’an” {Al Albaney}, and the smell of the smoker is not good but always bad and al his clothes smells same cause of smoking.

4) Religion is advise {Muslim}

the smoker may say I cant stop smoking, so u have to know that that is from (shitan) satan , u have to know that while u smoke one cigarette u burn ur self with it and that shitan plays with u and u suppose to be stronger and have ability not to make him victor on u and on ur strength if u really have faith and eman may be it take times but if u fear Allah u will win at end inshAllah , and also u have to know that u disobey Allah and that smoking will take u to more danger stages if u let shitan victor and u follow his desires , so return back to Allah and quit smoking immediately and strive urself and be patient and know that Allah will reward u on that jihad (strive) and keep on Dua and ask Allah help and right path.

3) smoking and harming others , smoking and brough up children:
the smoker harm people and he made them smoke by force as he force them to breath the smoke which harms them and that what is called negative smoke , which means they smoke by force , and also when parents smoke in front of kids so he became a bad ideal to them and they will be like their way on smoking and do like them and that may lead them to others things which is more harmful than smoke. And by that way he will be brought them up wrong and cheating them and not do his role as a father or mother which Allah will ask them about that role .

sources( writer Dr.Alexander chrolofell, lahai, Holland & report for WHO 2002)

1) Medical statistics shows that 85% from the cases of cancer of lungs is due to smoking.
2) Range of those who die by cancer is 22 exceeding in those who smoke compared by those who do not smoke.
3) Those who smoke get sick by cancer of lungs, mouth, stomach, breast, pancreas, by about 4 times more than those who do not smoke.
4) Women who smoke are the most that face problems in pregnant and birth time and their kid’s faces many problems like loss in weight, none complete of brain, and other problems related with genetics.
5) According to the WHO about (20-30%) of death happened all over the world related or due to smoking.
6) The smoker breathes only 18% of the smoke and the 85% is smoked by who surround him.

source : maram ( edit by me)


15 Syaaban

About 15 Syaaban

There is no saheeh marfoo’ report that speaks of the virtue of the middle of Sha’baan that may be followed, not even in the chapters on al-Fadaa’il (chapters on virtues in books of hadeeth etc.). Some maqtoo’ reports (reports whose isnaads do not go back further than the Taabi’een) have been narrated from some of the Taabi’een, and there are some ahaadeeth, the best of which are mawdoo’ (fabricated) or da’eef jiddan (very weak). These reports became very well known in some countries which were overwhelmed by ignorance; these reports suggest that people’s lifespans are written on that day or that it is decided on that day who is to die in the coming year. On this basis, it is not prescribed to spend this night in prayer or to fast on this day, or to single it out for certain acts of worship. One should not be deceived by the large numbers of ignorant people who do these things. And Allaah knows best.

Shaykh Ibn Jibreen.

If a person wants to pray qiyaam on this night as he does on other nights – without doing anything extra or singling this night out for anything – then that is OK. The same applies if he fasts the day of the fifteenth of Sha’baan because it happens to be one of the ayyaam al-beed, along with the fourteenth and thirteenth of the month, or because it happens to be a Monday or Thursday. If the fifteenth (of Sha’baan) coincides with a Monday or Thursday, there is nothing wrong with that (fasting on that day), so long as he is not seeking extra reward that has not been proven (in the saheeh texts)

This is mentioned in some ahaadeeth, but there is some scholarly difference of opinion as to the soundness of those ahaadeeth. There is no saheeh hadeeth concerning the virtue of the night of the fifteenth of Sha’baan.

It was narrated from Abu Moosa al-Ash’ari that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah looks down on the night of the fifteenth of Sha’baan and forgives all his creation except a mushrik or one who harbours hatred against the Muslims.” Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 1390.

The “one who harbours hatred against the Muslims” means one who has enmity towards a Muslim brother.

In al-Zawaa’id it says: Its isnaad is da’eef, because ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Lahee’ah is da’eef (weak) and al-Waleed ibn Muslim is mudallis.

There is also some idtiraab (weakness) in the hadeeth, as stated by al-Daaraqutni in al-‘Ilal, 6/50, 51. He said: This hadeeth is not proven.

It was narrated from Mu’aadh ibn Jabal, ‘Aa’ishah, Abu Hurayrah, Abu Tha’labah al-Khushani and others, but the isnaads are not free of some weakness, and some of them are very weak.

Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali said:
Concerning the virtue of the night of the fifteenth of Sha’baan there are numerous ahaadeeth, concerning which the scholars differed, but most of them classed them as da’eef, and Ibn Hibbaan classed some of them as saheeh.

Lataa’if al-Ma’aazif, 261.

Allaah’s descending to the first heaven does not only happen on the night of the fifteenth of Sha’baan, rather it is proven in al-Saheehayn and elsewhere that Allaah descends to the first heaven every night, in the last third of the night. The night of the fifteenth of Sha’baan is included in this general meaning. Hence, when ‘Abd-Allaah ibn al-Mubaarak was asked about the descent of Allaah on the night of the fifteenth of Sha’baan, he said to the one who asked him: “O weak one! The night of the fifteenth?! He descends every night!”

Narrated by Abu ‘Uthmaan al-Saabooni in I’tiqaad Ahl al-Sunnah, no. 92.
Al-‘Aqeeli (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: With regard to Allaah’s descending on the night of the fifteenth of Sha’baan there are ahaadeeth which are weak, but the reports that He descends every night are proven and saheeh, so the night of the fifteenth of Sha’baan is included in that, in sha Allaah.

So we can say in brief that :

If a person wants to pray qiyaam on this night as he does on other nights – without doing anything extra or singling this night out for anything – then that is OK

The same applies if he fasts the day of the15of Sha’baan because it happens to be one of the ayyaam al-beed, along with 14 15 of the month, or because it happens to be a Monday or Thursday

If the 15(of Sha’baan) coincides with a Monday or Thursday, there is nothing wrong with that (fasting on that day), so long as he is not seeking extra reward that has not been proven (in the saheeh texts). And Allaah knows best.

Sources : Maram


Dont Fear

Allah controls life and death

If you fear for your physical safety and security, remember that only Allah gives life and takes it back and, that He has appointed the time for it. No one can harm you except if Allah wills. As He says in the Quran:

"Wherever you are, death will find you out, even if you are in towers built up strong and high!" (Quran 4:78).

Remember that life is short

It's easy to get caught up in our own stress and anxiety. However, if we remember that our life is short and temporary, and that the everlasting life is in the Hereafter, this will put our worries in perspective.

This belief in the transitory nature of the life of this world reminds us that whatever difficulties, trials, anxieties, and grief we suffer in this world are, Insha Allah, something we will only experience for a short period of time. And more importantly, if we handle these tests with patience, Allah will reward us for it.


Make the Quran your Partner

Reading and listening to the Quran will help refresh our hearts and our minds. Recite it out loud or in a low voice. Listen to it in the car. When you are praying Nafl or extra prayers, pick it up and use it to recite portions of the Quran you are not as familiar with. Connecting to the Quran means connecting to God. Let it be a means to heal your heart of stress and worries. Invest in different recordings of the Quran and their translations.

"O humanity! There has come to you a direction from your Lord and a cure for all [the ills] in men's hearts - and for those who believe, a Guidance and a Mercy" (Quran 10:57).



Pengertian Usrah

Usrah adalah perkataan Arab yang bermaksud keluarga. Kemudiannya digunakan sebagai satu nama kumpulan atau kelompok kecil yang mempelajari dan mengetahui ajaran Islam. Perkataan usrah digunakan untuk melahirkan rasa kasih dan sayang antara ahli-ahli seperti perasaan dalam satu keluarga. Dari sini akan lahirlah satu ikatan yang kuat yang berlandaskan keikhlasan, bukan berdasarkan hubungan keturunan. Pada umumnya, kumpulan usrah mengandungi 4 atau 5 orang bagi tiap-tiap satu unit.

Perlunya Usrah

Di zaman Rasulullah malah di zaman sesudahnya hingga hari ini terdapat kelompok-kelompok yang mempelajari ajaran-ajaran Agama termasuk ajaran Al Quran, hadis dan sirah Rasulullah. Mereka lakukan demikian kerana minat untuk mengetahui ajaran Islam lebih mendalam dan untuk mencapai rasa dedikasi dan kekuatan iman dilubuk hati sanubari. Hasilnya mereka telah berjaya dalam melaksanakan matlamat mereka. Dewasa ini, ummat Islam khususnya golongan-golongan belia Islam amat cetek pengetahuan mereka mengenai Agama dan ajaran Al Quran serta ajaran Nabi pemimpin mereka.
Perlunya UsrahDi zaman Rasulullah malah di zaman sesudahnya hingga hari ini terdapat kelompok-kelompok yang mempelajari ajaran-ajaran Agama termasuk ajaran Al Quran, hadis dan sirah Rasulullah. Mereka lakukan demikian kerana minat untuk mengetahui ajaran Islam lebih mendalam dan untuk mencapai rasa dedikasi dan kekuatan iman dilubuk hati sanubari. Hasilnya mereka telah berjaya dalam melaksanakan matlamat mereka. Dewasa ini, ummat Islam khususnya golongan-golongan belia Islam amat cetek pengetahuan mereka mengenai Agama dan ajaran Al Quran serta ajaran Nabi pemimpin mereka.

Tujuan Usrah

Seandainya usrah dapat dilakukan secara teratur dan berterusan maka ia dapat merangkumi tujuan-tujuannya. Antara lainnya ialah
:-Melahirkan perhubungan yang rapuh dan luhur di dalam perasaan dan hati anggota usrah semoga masing-masing merasa kasih terhadap saudara seusrah.Untuk menyingkap dan mendalami pengetahuan tentang isi kandungan Al Quran.Mendalami pengetahuan tentang ajaran-ajaran Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.Melahirkan kesedaran yang mendalam dan pengetahuan yang luas tentang apa yang berlaku hari-harian di sekeliling.Untuk melahirkan kepintaran dan kecekapan dalam menjalankan kerja.

6. Meningkatkan motivasi ahli yang menyertai usrah. Manusia hidup dengan cita-cita, harapan dan kepercayaan yang diyakini. Penekanan yang tepat kepada konsep keimanan kepada Allah dan Rasul akan melahirkan iltizam serta pengorbanan yang bersungguh-sungguh dan tidak kenal erti kecewa

.7. Dapat menguji bakat dan kebolehan

Rukun Usrah


sesama anggota seperti nama, pekerjaan, umur, latar belakang pendidikan, latar belakang keluarga, tempat tinggal, pengalaman yang dilalui selama ini sehingga masing-masing merasakan bahawa setiap anggota adalah sebahagian dari dirinya. Asas kepada gerakan dakwah ialah kasih sayang dan ia bermula daripada pengenalan yang mendalam antara dua saudara. Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W yang bermaksud

:“ Orang mukmin bagi orang mukmin itu laksana bangunan yang sebahagiannya memperkuatkan sebahagian yang lain. ”“

Orang muslim ialah saudara bagi Muslim yang lain, ia tidak menzaliminya dan juga membiarkannya. ”

b. Tafahum

Saling bersefahaman sesama anggota di dalam beramal dan bertindak. Persefahaman ini penting kerana ikatan tidak akan dapat dibentuk sekiranya tidak ada persefahamannya yang mantap di kalangan anggota. Apabila persefahaman ini wujud maka segala nasihat menjadi baik. Apabila persefahaman terpaut sesama anggota maka ia akan membuka kasih sayang antara mereka.

Rukun tafahum ini berkait rapat dengan ukhuwah kerana ukhuwah tidak dapat dilaksanakan kecuali sudah ada persefahaman di kalangan mereka

.c. Takaful

Tolong menolong dan bantu membantu di kalangan saudara yang lain dalam menghadapi apa suasana yang memerlukan bantuan moral dan material sama ada bersifat peribadi mahupun keluarga. Dasar takaful ini merupakan tunjang iman dan intipati ukhuwah sejati. Renungilah Hadis Rasulullah mengenai kelebihan perkara tersebut yang bermaksud

:“ Keluar seorang dari kamu itu berjalan kerana hendak menolong saudaranya adalah lebih baik baginya ia beriktikaf selama sebulan dalam masjid aku. ”


Tugas-tugas usrah

Tugas-Tugas Ketua Usrah dan Lujnaha)

Bahagian Usrahi. Menerangkan kepentingan Usrah dan cara melaksanakannya.
ii. Memberi kefahaman mengenai Islam dan perbincangan kertas kerja serta pengertian dari kursus.
iii. Memberikan kefahaman terhadap kekeliruan kepada Islam dan membuat kajian kepada para peserta.

b) Bahagian Gerakkan Semasa dan Perbincangan Umum i. Membicarakan hal gerakkan organisasi dan cara bagaimana hendak menggerakkannya dengan lebih agresif dan berupaya menghadapi cabaran dari dalam dan luar merujuk kepada gerakan pelajar.ii. Membicarakan soal semasa dalam pengertian ancaman kepada organisasi Islam dan cara mengatasi.c) Bahagian

Dalaman dan Soal Peribadi
i. Mengetahui masalah peribadi peserta yang berdasarkan kepada fitrah insan dan peringkat umum. Penyelesaian masalah hendaklah merujuk kepada Al Quran dan As Sunnah.ii. Memberikan semangat baru dalam membina hidup.
iii. Peri perlunya penghayatan Islam dengan bersungguh-sungguh.
Perbicaraan Tentang Usrah
1. Peringkat Awal2.
Peringkat Pertengahan3. Peringkat Penyelesaian 1. a. Membenarkan perlakuan bebas dalam keadaan yang dikawal.b. Melihat risiko selepas hari pertama dan kaji masalah yang dihadapi oleh mereka.* Memberikan gambaran Islam dalam bentuk kesederhanaan dan tidak menampakkan Islam itu satu perkara yang berat atau paksaan.2. a. Menanamkan rasa kesedaran peri perlunya sifat tanggungjawab terhadap Agama dan segala kemungkaran yang berlaku di sekitar.b. Penjelasan tentang hakikat Islam dan penuh rasa kesedaran jika tidak menunaikan suruhan dan meninggalkan larangan Allah.* Lebih merupakan kejituan dalam menyampaikan Islam.

3. a. Penerangan bagaimana hendak melaksanakan dua perkara di atas.b. Menghapuskan sikap lemah dan rendah diri atas alasan tidak mempunyai ilmu, kurang pengalaman, tiada kawan dan sebagainya.*
Perlu diingatkan bahawa dalam penyampaian hendaklah melihat pengalaman peserta samada pernah mengikuti gerakan dakwah / Islamiah atau mempunyai keupayaan dalam menjalankan gerakan Islam disekolah.

Darihal UsrahUsrah I a. Pengenalan diri dan pengertian usrah.b. Cara melaksanakan usrah.c. Masalah dalam menghadapi usrah.* Penekanan kepada masalah diri.

Usrah II
a. Penerangan tentang konsep Islam dan pelaksanaannya.b. Bagaimana hendak dilaksanakan mengikut kefahaman peserta dalam pengupasan dibuat.c. Implikasi kepada masyarakat umum.

Usrah III a. Kesimpulan dari usrah I dan II. Kalau boleh rujuk kepada buku-buku bagi menghuraikannya dengan lebih terperinci.Usrah IV a. Pengertian Ilmu dan Pendidikan dalam Islam.b. Bagaimana konsep ilmu dan pendidikan Islam dapat menjamin kehidupan insan dan membentuk peribadi.

Usrah V
a. Perbincangan buku-buku karangan tokoh-tokoh terkenal bagi menyelesaikan masalah ancaman kepada Islam dan perbincangan mengenai ummat Islam.b. Menerangkan ancaman dari segi fikiran, ibadah, pendidikan dan sebagainya.Usrah VI a. Perbincangan umum mengenai masalah ancaman dan penyelesaian dari Usrah IV dan V.Usrah VII a. Harapan kepada program usrah.b. Bagaimana hendak menjalankan dan apa yang perlu untuk mengatasi dan meningkatkan kegiatan usrah.LUJNAHLujnah I a. Perbincangan mengenai ceramah dan memberikan peluang kepada para peserta bercakap.b. Bagaimana hendak menyampaikan hasrat setelah mendengar ceramah memberikan kefahaman masyarakat dan khasnya pelajar-pelajar mengenai Islam.Lujnah II a. Membahaskan peranan ilmu kepada masyarakat iaitu Ilmu Duniawi dan Ilmu Ukhrawi.b. Persoalan - dilebihkan kepada para peserta.Lujnah III a. Persoalan mengenai wanita - peranan dan penglibatan mereka sebagai pembentuk rumah tangga Islam.b. Cara mereka hendak melibatkan diri dalam harakah Islamiah serta lapangan perjuangannya.Lujanah IV a. Perbincangan kertas kerja.Perbincangan UmumPenekanan kepada latihan berpidato dan bercakap terutamanya dikhalayak ramai.Peringkat permulaan lebih ditumpukan kepada menguji dalam bentuk berbincang - lihat sejauh mana mereka boleh berbincang dan bercakap.Dalam perbincangan hendaklah dilebihkan kepada para peserta bercakap dan ketua perbincangan hanya diminta bercakap sebagai membantu dan membuat kesimpulan dari perbincangan yang telah dijalankan. Ini adalah sebagai menghidupkan majlis. Perbincangan itu kalau boleh diselitkan sedikit taktik dalam memberikan hujah dan menolak pendapat orang lain.

Tajuk-Tajuk Perbincangan UmumPerbincangan Umum I : “Agama Islam - sejauh mana perlaksanaan dan implikasinya kepada masyarakat Islam di Malaysia.

Perbincangan Umum II : “ Sekitar persoalan Ilmu dan Pendidikan Islam kini dan bagaimana hendak mengatasinya mengikut pandangan Agama Islam. ”Perbincangan Umum III : “ Kepentingan Jema’ah dan individu dalam membina masyarakat Islam. ”Perbincangan Umum IV : “ Bagaimana dan cara-cara hendak meningkatkan Jema’ah dan Gerakan Pelajar Islam. ”“ Serulah ke jalan Tuhanmu dengan cara yang bijaksana dan berbincanglah dengan cara yang baik. ”“ Mengapakah kamu mengambil sebahagian dari isi Al Kitab dan meninggalkan sebahagian yang lain. Tidak lain dari balasan bagi orang yang berbuat demikian daripada mu melainkan kenistaan dalam kehidupan dunia dan pada hari kiamat mereka dikembalikan kepada seksaan yang sangat berat.

Allah tidak lengahkan apa yang kamu perbuat. ”KE ARAH PEMBENTUKAN TARBIAHUSRAHIslam bukanlah hanya satu Agama yang menitikberatkan pengalaman rukun-rukun ibadah sahaja malahan ia merangkumi keseluruhan cara hidup yang sempurna. Tujuan dasar Islam adalah untuk membimbing penganutnya ke arah keseluruhan aspek hidup termasuk aspek moral dan budi pekerti. Allah S.W.T berfirman di dalam Al Quran yang bermaksud :“ Bahawa tidak aku jadikan manusia dan jin kecuali untuk tunduk menyembahku.”{Surah Az-Zaariyat : Ayat 51}Ibadat dalam Islam tidak terhad kepada amalan-amalan Agama ( religious duties ) semata-mata tetapi meliputi segala yang bersangkutan dengan kehidupan manusia samada dari segi lahiriah mahupun rohaniah. Andainya ummat Islam dapat mempraktikkan seluruh gerak laku hidup berlandaskan prinsip-prinsip yang terkandung di dalam Al Quran maka keseluruhan hidup tersebut dikatakan ibadah. Hal ini disebabkan pendekatan ajaran Islam yang stabil dalam menerima bentuk-bentuk kelakuan manusia yang semulajadi begitu lemah dan tidak sunyi dari melakukan sebarang kesilapan serta sentiasa terdedah kepada pengaruh-pengaruh alam sekitar.

Pendek kata, segala aktiviti-aktiviti ummat Islam seperti belajar atau bekerja bagi mencari nafkah untuk keluarga dikatakan sebagai ibadah selama mana tidak terkeluar dari batas-batas perundangan Islam.Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. telah menyatakan intisari Islam dalam sabdanya :“ Sesungguhnya aku didatangkan ke alam ini adalah untuk menyempurnakan budi pekerti yang mulia. ”Sahabat-sahabat Nabi telah mengikuti ajaran-ajaran ini dengan sebaik-baiknya. Mereka menyedari bahawa ajaran Islam adalah ajaran yang dinamik dan mampu membimbing ke arah kehidupan yang sempurna.

Mereka mempelajari ayat-ayat suci Al Quran dengan sungguh-sungguh dan teliti. Tegasnya bahawa ibadah dalam Islam adalah untuk memperbaiki budi pekerti manusia dalam tempoh kehidupan yang sementara.Adalah menjadi tujuan Agama untuk menarik minat orang luar melalui ‘ superhuman model ’ ( muslim yang baik ). Allah S.W.T telah berfirman yang bermaksud :“ Sesungguhnya untukmu disisi Rasulullah contoh ikutan yang sebaik-baiknya. ”{Surah Al Ahzab : Ayat 21}Al-Quran mengutuk keras kepada penganut-penganutNya yang hanya pandai bercakap mengenai Agama tetapi tidak mengamalkannya. Jelaslah bahawa keperluan dalam menitik beratkan soal pembentukan peribadi hendaklah berlunaskan ajaran-ajaran Islam yang telah ditetapkan.Kesimpulannya usrah adalah proses untuk mengikat hubungan yang lebih mantap di kalangan ahli-ahli untuk melakukan kerja Islam yang mencabar.

Tegur-menegur sesama ahli dan nasihat-menasihati merupakan asas kekuatan sesuatu ummah. Kemanisannya akan dirasai apabila pelaksanaannya menepati dengan kehendak usrah.


Arabic Lesson : 2

1 Red Ahmar
2 Yellow Asfar
3 Green Akhdar
4 Black Aswad
5 Purple Banafsaji
6 Sunday Al-Ahad
7 Monday Al-ithnein
8 Tuesday Ath-thulatha’
9 Wednesday Al-arboo3a’
10 Thursday Al-khamees
11 Friday Al-jom3ah
12 Saturday As-sabet
13 I am happy (m) Ana Masroor
14 I am happy (f) Ana masroorah
15 I am sad (m) Ana hazeen (m)
16 I am sad (f) Ana hazeenah (f)
17 In the name of Allah Bismil-lah
18 Allah blessing Ma-sha-Allah
19 Thanks to Allah Hamdu-lil-lah
20 In Allah will In-sha-Allah
21 In the blessing of Allah 3ala barakatil-lah
22 See you later Fe amani-lah
23 You are welcome Ahlan wa sahlan
24 Bye Ma3assalamah
25 Religion Deen
26 Peace Sala~m
27 Prayer Salat
28 Call for prayer Azan
29 Thanks to Allah Shukran lil-lahi


Arabic Lesson : 7

Lesson # 7 = Ad-dars As-sabi3

1 Peace to you Salam 3leikom
2 I am fine, Thanks to Allah Ana bi kheir, Shukran lil lahi
3 I am fine thank you my sister Ana bi kheir ya ukhti
4 I am fine thank you my brother Ana bi kheir, shukran ya akhi
5 I am fine, thank you my brother Ana bi kheir, Shukran ya akhi
6 I am well, thank you my teacher Ana bi kheir, Shukran ya ustazi/ustazah
7 Yes, I am busy (m) Na3am, ana mas’3ool
8 Yes, I am busy (f) Na3am, ana mash’3oolah
9 No, I am not busy (m) Kal-la, ana lastu mash’3ool
10 No, I am not busy (f) Kal-la, ana lastu mash3oolah
11 Yes, I am happy Na3am, ana masroor/ah
12 No, I am not happy Kal-la, ana lastu mash’3ool/ah
13 Yes, I am sick Na3am, ana mareed/ah
14 Yes, I am sad Na3am, ana hazeen/ah
15 No, I am not sad Kal-la, ana lastu hazeen/ah
16 I am hungry Ana ja-i3 – Ja-i3ah
17 I am tired Ana te3ben/ah


Arabic Lesson:4

1 One Wahid واحد
2 Two Ith-nein اثنان
3 Three Thalethah ثلاثة
4 Four Arba3ah أربعة
5 Five Khamsah خمسة
6 Six Sit-tah ستة
7 Seven Sab3ah سبعة
8 Eight Thamaniyiah ثمانية
9 Nine Tis3ah تسعة
10 Ten 3asharah عشرة
11 Hair Sha3er شعر
12 Nose Anf انف
13 Eye 3ein عين
14 Ear Ouzon أ ُذن
15 Mouth Fam فم
16 Hand Zira3 / yad يد – ذراع
17 Tall Taweel طويل
18 Short Kasseer قصير
19 I am Tall (m) Ana taweel أنا طويل (m)
20 I am Tall (F) Ana Taweelah أنا طويلة (f)
21 I am short (m) Ana kasseer أنا قصير (m)
22 I am short (F) Ana kasseerah أنا قصيرة (f)
23 Thanks to Allah * Shukran lil-lahi شكرا ً لله
24 May God Protect me Alohomma-hfazni اللهم احفظني
25 God will Inshaallah إن شاء الله
26 May Allah have merci on me Alohomma-rhamni اللهم ارحمني
27 My Brother Akhi أخي
28 My sister Oukhti أختي
30 My friend (m) (F) Sadiki (m) / Sadikati (f) صديقي (m) , صديقتي (f)
31 My Father Abi أبي


Arabic Lesson:5

Fifth Lesson = Ad-dars Al-khamis

1.How are you (m)
Kiefa Holoka
كَيَفَ حْالُك

2.How are you (f)
Kiefa holoki
كيف حالك ِ

3.I am well, Thank you
Ana bi kheir
أنا بخير

4.My brother
Ya akhi
يا أخي

5.My sister
Ya oukhti
يا أختي

6.I am happy (f)
Ana Masroor
أنا مَسْرُوْر

7.I am happy (f)
Ana masroorah
أنا مَسْرورَةَ

8.I am sad (m)
Ana hazeen (m)
انا حَزين

9.I am sad (f)
Ana hazeenah (f)
أنا حَزينَة

10.In the name of Allah
بـِسْم ِ الله

11.Allah blessing
مَا شْاءَ الله

12.Thanks to Allah
الحمد لله

13.In Allah will
أِنْ شَاءَ الله

14.In the blessing of Allah
3ala barakatol-lah
على بَرَكة الله

16.See you later
Fe amani-lah
في أمان ِ الله

17.You are welcome
Ahlan wa sahlan
أهلا ً وَ سهلا ً




22.Call for prayer

23.Thanks to Allah
Shukran lil-lahi
شكرا ً لله


Arabic Lesson:10

Lesson # 10 = Ad-dars Aa-thani 3asher

1. hello
As-salamo alikom
wa laikom as-salam

2.How are u ?
Keifa haloka/m keifa haloki/ f
Alhamdoulilah /both

3.What is ur name ?
Ma ismoka /m ma ismoki/f
Esmi ……/ both

4.Where are u from my brother or sister ?
Min ieina anta ya akhi? /m Min ieina anti ya okhti?/f
Ana min ……./both

5.Do u speak Arabic?
Hal tatakalam al3rabiah/m hal tatakalameena al3rabiah/f
Na3am Ana Ataka-lamu Al-3rabia gayedan/both kal-la or la ana ataka_lamu al3rabiatu qaleelan

6.This is home
Haza ba-yi-to
It is from male things adjective

7.This is masjed
Haza masjed
male things

8.This is door
Haza baab

9.This is book
Haza keetab

10.This is pen
Haza qa-lam

11.This is key
Haza mouftah

12.This is desk
Haza ma-ktab

13.This is bed
Haza sa-rier

14.This is chair
Haza kor-see

15.What is this
Haza ba-yi-to
aa-haza ba-yi-to
na3am haza ba-yi-to

16.What is this
Haza qaa-meeece

17.Is this bed
aa-haza sa-rier
La haza kor-see

18.Is this key
aa-haza muoftah
La haza qa-lam

19.What is this
Haza najm



  1. Class time table Aug.09-06
  2. Quran Intermediate *5:00~7:00am *Sis.Asmaa *F *Monday
  3. Arabic letters beginner *5:00~7:00am *Sis. Eman Nannu*F*Monday
  4. Quran Tafseer *6:00~8:30*Bro. Mamdouh*F/M*Monday
  5. Islam history 8:30~10:00Bro. Ahmad (Alex)F/MMonday
  6. Arabic beginners 11:00-12:30Sis. Eman NannuFTuesday
  1. Arabic cnvrstion 5:00~7:00am Bro. HusseinFTuesday
  2. Cmpanion story 6:00-8:00Sis. EmanF/MTuesday
  3. Hadith 8:00-10:00Sis. DinaF/MTuesday
  4. Quran recitation *10:00-11:00Sis. **Emmy *F *Wednesday
  5. Quran *5:00 ~ 6:00am **Sis.Asmaa *F *Wednesday
  6. Arabic beginners **5:00~7:00am **Sis. Eman Nannu *F **Wednesday
  7. Islamic history **6:00 ~ 8:00pm **Sis.Islam **F **Wednesday
  8. Muslim manner **8:00~9:30 pm **Sis Dina **F **Wednesday
  9. Quran recitation **9:30-11:00Bro. ** Hussein **F **Wednesday
  10. Arabic beginners ***11:00~12:30 **Sis. Eman Nannu **F **Thursday
  11. Arabic cnvrstion **5:00~6:00am **Bro. Hussein **F **Thursday
  12. Prophet life ** 6:00-8:00 pm **Bro. Mamdouch **F/M **Thursday
  13. Quran recitation ** 8:00~9:30 pm **Bro. Hussein **F **Thursday
  14. Quran recitation **10:00-11:00 Sis. **Emmy **F **Friday
  15. Quran intermediate 5:00~7:00am Sis. Lamiaa F Friday
  16. Arabic beginners 5:00~7:00am Sis. Eman Nannu F Friday
  17. Quran tafseer 6:00~8:00 Bro. Mamdouh F/M Friday
  18. Quran class ***8:00~10:00pm Emmy F Friday
  19. Arabic beginner **11:00~12:30 Sis Eman Nannu F Saturday
  20. Arabic cnvrstion ** 5:00 ~ 7:00am Bro.Hussein F Saturday
  21. Arabic & Quran **5:00~7:00am Bro.Nasser M Saturday
  22. Prayer class **6:00 ~ 8:00pm Bro. Hussein F Saturday
  23. Quran tafseer *** 8:00~10:00Bro. Mamdouh F/M Saturday
  24. Quran recitation ***10:00-11:00 Sis. Emmy F Sunday
  25. Quran intermediate **5:00~7:00am Sis.Asmaa F Sunday
  26. Arabic & Quran **5:00~7:00am **Bro.Nasser **M **Sunday
  27. Fiqh **6:00~8:30 **Sis.Eman **F/M **Sunday
  28. Quran Tafseer **8:30~10:00 **Bro.Ahmad **F/M **Sunday
  29. Arabic beginner *11:00~12:30 *Sis Eman Nannu **F

  1. Coordinater
    **all Egypt time


    1)The classes are supposed to be conducted in sophisticated environment. Hence a member should not consider it a chatroom. No pm during the class to any brother or sister unless necessity.
    2)A member must maintain proper discipline and avoid abusive speech

    3)He or she is supposed not to interrupt the teacher's speech through microphone especially during the lecture.
    4)Questions are only entertained during the Question and Answer session.

    5)Unnecessary points are discouraged to be pasted on the window.

    6)A member is not allowed to invite those people who are not serious in learning Islamic knowledge.


Arabic Lesson : 1

First Lesson = Ad-dars Al-Awal

1.Hello (Islamic hello)

السلام عليكم

2.Answer to Hello

و عليكم السلام

3.How are you my brother

كيف حالك يا اخي

4.How are you my sister

كيف حالك ِ يا اختي

5.I am fine, thank you

انا بخير , شكرا

6.And you (m)/(f)

و انت ( m ) و انت ِ ( f)

7.What is your name

ما اسمك

8.Do you speak Arabic

هل تتكلم العربية

9.Yes, I do speak Arabic a little bit

نعم انا اتكلم العربية قليلا

10.I speak Arabic fushah

انا اتكلم العربية الفصحى

11.What is your name

ما اسمك

12.My name is :

انا اسمي :

13.What do you do

ماذا تعمل

14.I am a house wife

انا ربة بيت

15.Thanks to Allah

الحمد لله

16.In the name of Allah

بسم الله

17.My brother


18.My sister


19.My Mother


20.My daughter


21.My son


22.My Grandson (father)


23.My Grandson (mother)


24.See you later (Islamicly)

اراك لاحقا

25.Thank you my brother

شكرا يا اخي

26.Thank you my sister

شكرا يا اختي

27.Sorry I am busy

اسف انا مشغوول

28.Forgive me


30.I love Islam

احب الاسلام


The Sunnah Act of Wudu'

The sunna acts of wudu:

1) Using siwak Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet (ABAPBUH) said: “Were I not afraid that it would cause hardship to my Umma,
I would have ordered them to use siwak before each wudu.

2) Placing the water vessel to the right if it is big so that one can scoop
with one’s right hand, and placing it to the left if it is small in order
to pour water with one’s left hand over the right one. If someone
is helping one pour the water then it is recommended for the helper
to stand on the left because it is easier and more prope

3)Facing the Quibla (direction of prayer), for although wudu is a means, it is also an act of worship in itself. It is also sunna to choose a place in which the water would not splash back onto one.

4)Pronouncing the intention aloud and remaining aware of it throughout wudu.

5)The tasmiya saying” In the name of Allah(13) Abu Hurayrah narrated that The Prophet (ABAPBUH) said: There is no prayer for him who does not perform wudu, and there is no wudu for him who does not mention Allah’s name upon it (his wudu).”” The time for tasmiya is when you intend to perform the sunna acts of wudu as you start to wash your ahnds. If you omit saying tasmiya at the beginning, even intentionally, you may say before you finish “In the name of Allah upon its beginning and end. (14) This is so that wudu will not be devoid of the name of Allah. If you end your wudu without saying tasmiya, then you should not say it at that point because its proper place was missed.

6)Washing the hands at the beginning of wudu because they are the tool used in purification. Therefore, one should start by cleaning them first. Ibn Ous Ibn Abu Ous narrated that his grandfather said: “I saw The Prophet (ABAPBUH) washing his hands three times. This sunna is more confirmed when waking up from sleep. Abu Hurayrah narrated that The Prophet (ABAPBUH) said “If one of you wakes up from sleep then he should not dip his hand into the water vessel until he washes his hands three times because one does not know where his hand has been (during his sleep)”. Al Shafi’I said: I would like each person who wakes up from sleep, be it daytime sleep or otherwise, not to dip his hand into the water until he washes it. If he dips his hand before washing it, this will not spoil the water unless there is some najasa on his hand, though I would hate for him to do so” Therefore, if you have doubts as to whether or not your hands are najis, it is makrooh for you to dip them into a small amount of water, or any other liquid, without washing them whether you have woken up from sleep or not. If you are certain that your hands are free of najasa, then it is sunna for you to wash them. However, if you are certain that they are najis then you must wash them before dipping them into the water.

7)The madmadah and Istinshaaq, i.e. rinsing the mouth and the nose with water. Abdullah Ibn Zaid said: He was asked to perform wudu like that of Prophet Muhammad (ABAPBUH) so he asked for a vessel and poured water from it on his hands and washed them three times, then he put his hand into the water and took it out and rinsed his mouth and nose out with a single handful and he did that three times. This sunna act is done by rinsing the mouth first then the nose. Rinsing the mouth is done by taking the water into the mouth, whether by swishing it around the mouth and expelling it out or not (it is best to spit it out). Rinsing the nose out is done by taking the water into the nose, whether by sniffing it up into the nose and expelling it out or not (it is best expel it from the nose) Abu Hurayrah narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) said: “Whoever performs wudu should inhale water into his nose,then expel it. It is better to rinse the mouth and the nose out in one handful of water, that is three times in three handful, for the above-mentioned hadith of Abullah Ibn Zaid. It is sunna to exaggerate in these (Let the water reach as much of the mouth and nostrils as possible) for Laqeet Ibn Sabrah said: I asked Prophet Muhammad (ABAPBUH) about wudu and he said: Perform wudu properly and thoroughly, rub between the fingers, and exaggerate in inhaling the water into the nose unless you are fasting. It is also sunna to scoop water with the right hand and to blow one’s nose with the left hand acoording to Ali’s hadith about the description of the Prophet’s wudu: And he entered his right hand into the water vessel, filled his mouth and rinsed it, took water into his nose and blew it out with the left hand, and he did that three times.

8)To start washing the head from the top, the arms from the fingers and the feet from the toes. If someone pours water for you, then you should start washing the arms from the elbows and the feet from the anklebones (so as to splash water on the person helping you.)

9)Being attentive (when washing the face) of the inner corners of the eyes and other facial folds and wrinkles Abu Umamah narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) used to rub the inner corners of his eyes, It is not sunna to wash the inside of the eyes because it has not been narrated that The Prophet (ABAPBUH) did so, and because it can be harmful.

10)Washing more is obligatory of the face by adding part of the head and part of the neck. Also, it is sunna to add part of the arm over the elbow when washing the arm and part of the leg over the anklebone when washing the foot for Abu Hurayrah said: I heard The prophet (ABAPBUH) saying: on the day of resurrection, my followers will be called Al-Ghurr Al-Muhajjaleen (with light upon their face, arms and feet) from the traces of wudu, therefore he who can increase the area of his radiance (by washing part of the head and neck) should do so. Abu Hazem said: “I was behind Abu Hurayrah while he was performing wudu for prayer and he extended his hand (under the water) until it reached his armpit. I said to him: “O Abu Hurayrah, what is this wudu? He said: “O, bani Forroukh, you are here! If I knew that you were here I would not have performed wudu like I did, I heard my beloved Prophet Muhammad (ABAPBUH) saying: The ornament of a believer will reach (on the day of judgement) as far as his wudu reaches.

11)Rubbing between the fingers by clasping them, starting from their tops, for the above mentioned hadith by Laqeet Ibn Sabra “Rub between the fingers, and exaggerate in inhaling water into the nose unless you are fasting.”

12)Twisting one’s ring Abu Rafe narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) used to move his ring when he performed wudu.”

13)Beginning with the right foor Aisha narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) used to like starting with the right in putting on his khuff, combing his hair, purification, and in all his affairs.

14)Rubbing the parts of the body (while washing them) Abdullah Ibn Zaid Ibn Asem narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) made wudu and said: “Rubbing is done in this way” Also, this is recommended, to avoid the difference of opinions amongst the scholars.

15)Wiping all over the head. This is achieved by putting the hand on the front of the head with the index fingers touching while placing the thumbs on the temples then sliding the fingers back to the nape of the neck, and then returning them to where one started. This movement of the fingers backwards and forwards is regarded as one wiping. All this applies if the hair can be turned over (because it is short for example). If sliding the fingers back (to the starting position) may mess it up, then one need not wipe back. In the hadith of Yahya Al-Mazeni “A man said to Abdullah Ibn Zaid: “Could you show me how the Prophet (ABAPBUH) used to perform wudu?” Abdullah Ibn Zaid said: Yes’ and he asked for water… and then he wiped his head with his two hands moving them backwards and forwards, he started with the front of the head and moved back to the nape of his neck then he returned them to the place he started from… “If you do not want to take off your head cover you can wipe part of the head then complete the wiping, in the above mentioned manner, over the head cover three times. Al-Mugheerah Ibn Shu’bah narrated that: “The Prophet (ABAPBUH) performed wudu and he wiped over hi khuff and his turban.”

16)Wiping the ears (their inside and outside) after wiping the head, with fresh water. Amr Ibn Shu’aib said: “Then he (the Prophet (ABAPBUH) wiped his head and entered his forefingers into his ears and wiped the backs of his ears with his thumbs and the inside with his forefingers. Wiping the ears should be done after wiping the head. Hence if you wipe your ears before your head, it does not count because you did it out of roder.

17)Washing between the toes from bottom to top with the finger of the left hand. One starts with the little toe on the right foot and finishes with the little toe on the left. Al’Mustawred Ibn Shaddad said: “I saw the Messenger of Allah performing wudu, he entered the water between his toes with his little finger.” Washing between the toes is sunna of the toes are separated but if they overlap so that the water does not go between them, it becomes obligatory. It is recommended when washing the feet to start with the toes and take a lot of care when rubbing the heels especially in winter because water may be repelled from them.

18)Doing each washing, and wiping, three times. Amr Ibn Shu’aib narrated through his father through his grandfather that: “A man came to The Prophet (ABAPBUH) and asked him: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the way to perform wudu? So he asked for a vessel of water and washed his hands three times, washed his face three times, washed his arms three times wipe over his head, then he entered his two forefingers into his ears and wiped the back of his ears with his thumbs and the inside with his forefingers, Then, he washed his feet three times and said: This is the way of performing wudu and whoever exceeds this, or does less, he has done wrong.” Shaqeeq Ibn salamah narrated: I saw Uthman Ibn Affan (doing wudu), he washed his arms three times and wiped over his head three times, then he said: I saw the Prophet (ABAPBUH) do this.””

19)Continuity and succession which mean washing each part directly after the previous one leaving no time gap in between, It has been reported through some companions that: “The Prophet (ABAPBUH) ordered him to repeat his wudu and prayer”. Also, this is necessary to avoid the opposing opinion of scholars who consider wudu void if a long time gap is left between washing the parts of the body

20)To say immediately after performing wudu and while facing the qibla. “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger (15) Uqba Ibn Aamer narrated that Umar said that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) said: “Whoever performs wudu perfectly and thoroughly then says: “I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger,’ all eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him so that he may enter through whichever he pleases.”” Al-Tirmithi added: “O Allah, make me of the oft-repenting, of the oft-purifying of themselves.” (16) One can add: “O Allah, I declare Your exaltedness above every imperfection and Your praise. I testify there is no god but You. I ask for Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance. (17) It is acceptable to say other du’a (supplications) while washing the parts of one’s body.

***lesson from fiqh class YM


Maafkan Aku !!!!


maafkan aku, aku tak bersenjata......
maafkan aku, aku tak berkudrat.....
maafkan aku, aku tak berlangkah.....
maafkan aku, aku tak sehebat pahlawan....
dan maafkan aku, aku tak ada memorandum untuk
diarak menunjuk perasaan......
aku cuma ada doa dan kebencian....
ya Allah ya tuhan....
kami rayu kepadamu, selamatkan Lubnan, selamatkan
Palestin, selamatkan Iraq, selamatkan Iran,
selamatkan Syria, selamatkan Afghanistan dan
ya Allah ya tuhan....
kami hamba yang lemah, hamba yang tak sanggup
melihat derita suku-suku kami, derita se-Islam
kami, derita saudara-saudara kami, derita si bapak
yang mendakap keras jasad si anak, derita ibu
menjadi janda, derita anak menunggal beryatimkan
nisan keluarga syahidin....
selamatkan saudara-saudara seIslam kami dari
segala bentuk penindasan, dari segala bentuk
kekejaman, dari segala bentuk bahana peperangan....
bantulah ya Allah ya tuhan,
bantulah pejuang-pejuang Hisbullah dan pejuang Palestin,
bantulah pejuang-pejuang menentang Yahudi,
bantulah pejuang-pejuang menentang sekutu-sekutu syaitan,
bantulah pejuang-pejuang menentang penentang
agamamu Islam,
ya Allah ya tuhan,
sejahterakan muslimin dan muslimat, mukminin dan
mukminat, kuatkan semangat kami, hidupkan api
perjuangan kami dan tinggikan martabat
saudara-saudara Islam kami....
lemahkan Israel, lemahkan Yahudi dan lemahkan
mereka-mereka yang berniat jahat dengan Islam
ya Allah ya tuhan....
sesungguhnya kami hamba-hamba yang lemah...
tak bersenjata untuk melawan,
merayu keagungan-Mu ya Allah....
terimalah doa kami....
angkatlah doa kami setinggi-tinggi langit...
menjadi senjata mematikan khianat musuh...
sesungguhnya kami teraniaya...
la illahailla anta subhana kain'ni kuntuminaz'zalimin....
Please forward this email on, spread the word to your friends, family and colleagues, post a link on your blog, bring up the campaign in discussions, and urgently encourage people around you to join this global wave of protest by signing up at the link below:
The pressure is working. Let's ratchet it up.
With hope,
Ricken Patel, Ceasefire Campaign


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