The Sunnah Act of Wudu'
The sunna acts of wudu:
1) Using siwak Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet (ABAPBUH) said: “Were I not afraid that it would cause hardship to my Umma,
I would have ordered them to use siwak before each wudu.
2) Placing the water vessel to the right if it is big so that one can scoop
with one’s right hand, and placing it to the left if it is small in order
to pour water with one’s left hand over the right one. If someone
is helping one pour the water then it is recommended for the helper
to stand on the left because it is easier and more prope
3)Facing the Quibla (direction of prayer), for although wudu is a means, it is also an act of worship in itself. It is also sunna to choose a place in which the water would not splash back onto one.
4)Pronouncing the intention aloud and remaining aware of it throughout wudu.
5)The tasmiya saying” In the name of Allah(13) Abu Hurayrah narrated that The Prophet (ABAPBUH) said: There is no prayer for him who does not perform wudu, and there is no wudu for him who does not mention Allah’s name upon it (his wudu).”” The time for tasmiya is when you intend to perform the sunna acts of wudu as you start to wash your ahnds. If you omit saying tasmiya at the beginning, even intentionally, you may say before you finish “In the name of Allah upon its beginning and end. (14) This is so that wudu will not be devoid of the name of Allah. If you end your wudu without saying tasmiya, then you should not say it at that point because its proper place was missed.
6)Washing the hands at the beginning of wudu because they are the tool used in purification. Therefore, one should start by cleaning them first. Ibn Ous Ibn Abu Ous narrated that his grandfather said: “I saw The Prophet (ABAPBUH) washing his hands three times. This sunna is more confirmed when waking up from sleep. Abu Hurayrah narrated that The Prophet (ABAPBUH) said “If one of you wakes up from sleep then he should not dip his hand into the water vessel until he washes his hands three times because one does not know where his hand has been (during his sleep)”. Al Shafi’I said: I would like each person who wakes up from sleep, be it daytime sleep or otherwise, not to dip his hand into the water until he washes it. If he dips his hand before washing it, this will not spoil the water unless there is some najasa on his hand, though I would hate for him to do so” Therefore, if you have doubts as to whether or not your hands are najis, it is makrooh for you to dip them into a small amount of water, or any other liquid, without washing them whether you have woken up from sleep or not. If you are certain that your hands are free of najasa, then it is sunna for you to wash them. However, if you are certain that they are najis then you must wash them before dipping them into the water.
7)The madmadah and Istinshaaq, i.e. rinsing the mouth and the nose with water. Abdullah Ibn Zaid said: He was asked to perform wudu like that of Prophet Muhammad (ABAPBUH) so he asked for a vessel and poured water from it on his hands and washed them three times, then he put his hand into the water and took it out and rinsed his mouth and nose out with a single handful and he did that three times. This sunna act is done by rinsing the mouth first then the nose. Rinsing the mouth is done by taking the water into the mouth, whether by swishing it around the mouth and expelling it out or not (it is best to spit it out). Rinsing the nose out is done by taking the water into the nose, whether by sniffing it up into the nose and expelling it out or not (it is best expel it from the nose) Abu Hurayrah narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) said: “Whoever performs wudu should inhale water into his nose,then expel it. It is better to rinse the mouth and the nose out in one handful of water, that is three times in three handful, for the above-mentioned hadith of Abullah Ibn Zaid. It is sunna to exaggerate in these (Let the water reach as much of the mouth and nostrils as possible) for Laqeet Ibn Sabrah said: I asked Prophet Muhammad (ABAPBUH) about wudu and he said: Perform wudu properly and thoroughly, rub between the fingers, and exaggerate in inhaling the water into the nose unless you are fasting. It is also sunna to scoop water with the right hand and to blow one’s nose with the left hand acoording to Ali’s hadith about the description of the Prophet’s wudu: And he entered his right hand into the water vessel, filled his mouth and rinsed it, took water into his nose and blew it out with the left hand, and he did that three times.
8)To start washing the head from the top, the arms from the fingers and the feet from the toes. If someone pours water for you, then you should start washing the arms from the elbows and the feet from the anklebones (so as to splash water on the person helping you.)
9)Being attentive (when washing the face) of the inner corners of the eyes and other facial folds and wrinkles Abu Umamah narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) used to rub the inner corners of his eyes, It is not sunna to wash the inside of the eyes because it has not been narrated that The Prophet (ABAPBUH) did so, and because it can be harmful.
10)Washing more is obligatory of the face by adding part of the head and part of the neck. Also, it is sunna to add part of the arm over the elbow when washing the arm and part of the leg over the anklebone when washing the foot for Abu Hurayrah said: I heard The prophet (ABAPBUH) saying: on the day of resurrection, my followers will be called Al-Ghurr Al-Muhajjaleen (with light upon their face, arms and feet) from the traces of wudu, therefore he who can increase the area of his radiance (by washing part of the head and neck) should do so. Abu Hazem said: “I was behind Abu Hurayrah while he was performing wudu for prayer and he extended his hand (under the water) until it reached his armpit. I said to him: “O Abu Hurayrah, what is this wudu? He said: “O, bani Forroukh, you are here! If I knew that you were here I would not have performed wudu like I did, I heard my beloved Prophet Muhammad (ABAPBUH) saying: The ornament of a believer will reach (on the day of judgement) as far as his wudu reaches.
11)Rubbing between the fingers by clasping them, starting from their tops, for the above mentioned hadith by Laqeet Ibn Sabra “Rub between the fingers, and exaggerate in inhaling water into the nose unless you are fasting.”
12)Twisting one’s ring Abu Rafe narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) used to move his ring when he performed wudu.”
13)Beginning with the right foor Aisha narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) used to like starting with the right in putting on his khuff, combing his hair, purification, and in all his affairs.
14)Rubbing the parts of the body (while washing them) Abdullah Ibn Zaid Ibn Asem narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) made wudu and said: “Rubbing is done in this way” Also, this is recommended, to avoid the difference of opinions amongst the scholars.
15)Wiping all over the head. This is achieved by putting the hand on the front of the head with the index fingers touching while placing the thumbs on the temples then sliding the fingers back to the nape of the neck, and then returning them to where one started. This movement of the fingers backwards and forwards is regarded as one wiping. All this applies if the hair can be turned over (because it is short for example). If sliding the fingers back (to the starting position) may mess it up, then one need not wipe back. In the hadith of Yahya Al-Mazeni “A man said to Abdullah Ibn Zaid: “Could you show me how the Prophet (ABAPBUH) used to perform wudu?” Abdullah Ibn Zaid said: Yes’ and he asked for water… and then he wiped his head with his two hands moving them backwards and forwards, he started with the front of the head and moved back to the nape of his neck then he returned them to the place he started from… “If you do not want to take off your head cover you can wipe part of the head then complete the wiping, in the above mentioned manner, over the head cover three times. Al-Mugheerah Ibn Shu’bah narrated that: “The Prophet (ABAPBUH) performed wudu and he wiped over hi khuff and his turban.”
16)Wiping the ears (their inside and outside) after wiping the head, with fresh water. Amr Ibn Shu’aib said: “Then he (the Prophet (ABAPBUH) wiped his head and entered his forefingers into his ears and wiped the backs of his ears with his thumbs and the inside with his forefingers. Wiping the ears should be done after wiping the head. Hence if you wipe your ears before your head, it does not count because you did it out of roder.
17)Washing between the toes from bottom to top with the finger of the left hand. One starts with the little toe on the right foot and finishes with the little toe on the left. Al’Mustawred Ibn Shaddad said: “I saw the Messenger of Allah performing wudu, he entered the water between his toes with his little finger.” Washing between the toes is sunna of the toes are separated but if they overlap so that the water does not go between them, it becomes obligatory. It is recommended when washing the feet to start with the toes and take a lot of care when rubbing the heels especially in winter because water may be repelled from them.
18)Doing each washing, and wiping, three times. Amr Ibn Shu’aib narrated through his father through his grandfather that: “A man came to The Prophet (ABAPBUH) and asked him: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the way to perform wudu? So he asked for a vessel of water and washed his hands three times, washed his face three times, washed his arms three times wipe over his head, then he entered his two forefingers into his ears and wiped the back of his ears with his thumbs and the inside with his forefingers, Then, he washed his feet three times and said: This is the way of performing wudu and whoever exceeds this, or does less, he has done wrong.” Shaqeeq Ibn salamah narrated: I saw Uthman Ibn Affan (doing wudu), he washed his arms three times and wiped over his head three times, then he said: I saw the Prophet (ABAPBUH) do this.””
19)Continuity and succession which mean washing each part directly after the previous one leaving no time gap in between, It has been reported through some companions that: “The Prophet (ABAPBUH) ordered him to repeat his wudu and prayer”. Also, this is necessary to avoid the opposing opinion of scholars who consider wudu void if a long time gap is left between washing the parts of the body
20)To say immediately after performing wudu and while facing the qibla. “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger (15) Uqba Ibn Aamer narrated that Umar said that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) said: “Whoever performs wudu perfectly and thoroughly then says: “I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger,’ all eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him so that he may enter through whichever he pleases.”” Al-Tirmithi added: “O Allah, make me of the oft-repenting, of the oft-purifying of themselves.” (16) One can add: “O Allah, I declare Your exaltedness above every imperfection and Your praise. I testify there is no god but You. I ask for Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance. (17) It is acceptable to say other du’a (supplications) while washing the parts of one’s body.
***lesson from fiqh class YM
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