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Pengertian Usrah

Usrah adalah perkataan Arab yang bermaksud keluarga. Kemudiannya digunakan sebagai satu nama kumpulan atau kelompok kecil yang mempelajari dan mengetahui ajaran Islam. Perkataan usrah digunakan untuk melahirkan rasa kasih dan sayang antara ahli-ahli seperti perasaan dalam satu keluarga. Dari sini akan lahirlah satu ikatan yang kuat yang berlandaskan keikhlasan, bukan berdasarkan hubungan keturunan. Pada umumnya, kumpulan usrah mengandungi 4 atau 5 orang bagi tiap-tiap satu unit.

Perlunya Usrah

Di zaman Rasulullah malah di zaman sesudahnya hingga hari ini terdapat kelompok-kelompok yang mempelajari ajaran-ajaran Agama termasuk ajaran Al Quran, hadis dan sirah Rasulullah. Mereka lakukan demikian kerana minat untuk mengetahui ajaran Islam lebih mendalam dan untuk mencapai rasa dedikasi dan kekuatan iman dilubuk hati sanubari. Hasilnya mereka telah berjaya dalam melaksanakan matlamat mereka. Dewasa ini, ummat Islam khususnya golongan-golongan belia Islam amat cetek pengetahuan mereka mengenai Agama dan ajaran Al Quran serta ajaran Nabi pemimpin mereka.
Perlunya UsrahDi zaman Rasulullah malah di zaman sesudahnya hingga hari ini terdapat kelompok-kelompok yang mempelajari ajaran-ajaran Agama termasuk ajaran Al Quran, hadis dan sirah Rasulullah. Mereka lakukan demikian kerana minat untuk mengetahui ajaran Islam lebih mendalam dan untuk mencapai rasa dedikasi dan kekuatan iman dilubuk hati sanubari. Hasilnya mereka telah berjaya dalam melaksanakan matlamat mereka. Dewasa ini, ummat Islam khususnya golongan-golongan belia Islam amat cetek pengetahuan mereka mengenai Agama dan ajaran Al Quran serta ajaran Nabi pemimpin mereka.

Tujuan Usrah

Seandainya usrah dapat dilakukan secara teratur dan berterusan maka ia dapat merangkumi tujuan-tujuannya. Antara lainnya ialah
:-Melahirkan perhubungan yang rapuh dan luhur di dalam perasaan dan hati anggota usrah semoga masing-masing merasa kasih terhadap saudara seusrah.Untuk menyingkap dan mendalami pengetahuan tentang isi kandungan Al Quran.Mendalami pengetahuan tentang ajaran-ajaran Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.Melahirkan kesedaran yang mendalam dan pengetahuan yang luas tentang apa yang berlaku hari-harian di sekeliling.Untuk melahirkan kepintaran dan kecekapan dalam menjalankan kerja.

6. Meningkatkan motivasi ahli yang menyertai usrah. Manusia hidup dengan cita-cita, harapan dan kepercayaan yang diyakini. Penekanan yang tepat kepada konsep keimanan kepada Allah dan Rasul akan melahirkan iltizam serta pengorbanan yang bersungguh-sungguh dan tidak kenal erti kecewa

.7. Dapat menguji bakat dan kebolehan

Rukun Usrah


sesama anggota seperti nama, pekerjaan, umur, latar belakang pendidikan, latar belakang keluarga, tempat tinggal, pengalaman yang dilalui selama ini sehingga masing-masing merasakan bahawa setiap anggota adalah sebahagian dari dirinya. Asas kepada gerakan dakwah ialah kasih sayang dan ia bermula daripada pengenalan yang mendalam antara dua saudara. Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W yang bermaksud

:“ Orang mukmin bagi orang mukmin itu laksana bangunan yang sebahagiannya memperkuatkan sebahagian yang lain. ”“

Orang muslim ialah saudara bagi Muslim yang lain, ia tidak menzaliminya dan juga membiarkannya. ”

b. Tafahum

Saling bersefahaman sesama anggota di dalam beramal dan bertindak. Persefahaman ini penting kerana ikatan tidak akan dapat dibentuk sekiranya tidak ada persefahamannya yang mantap di kalangan anggota. Apabila persefahaman ini wujud maka segala nasihat menjadi baik. Apabila persefahaman terpaut sesama anggota maka ia akan membuka kasih sayang antara mereka.

Rukun tafahum ini berkait rapat dengan ukhuwah kerana ukhuwah tidak dapat dilaksanakan kecuali sudah ada persefahaman di kalangan mereka

.c. Takaful

Tolong menolong dan bantu membantu di kalangan saudara yang lain dalam menghadapi apa suasana yang memerlukan bantuan moral dan material sama ada bersifat peribadi mahupun keluarga. Dasar takaful ini merupakan tunjang iman dan intipati ukhuwah sejati. Renungilah Hadis Rasulullah mengenai kelebihan perkara tersebut yang bermaksud

:“ Keluar seorang dari kamu itu berjalan kerana hendak menolong saudaranya adalah lebih baik baginya ia beriktikaf selama sebulan dalam masjid aku. ”


Tugas-tugas usrah

Tugas-Tugas Ketua Usrah dan Lujnaha)

Bahagian Usrahi. Menerangkan kepentingan Usrah dan cara melaksanakannya.
ii. Memberi kefahaman mengenai Islam dan perbincangan kertas kerja serta pengertian dari kursus.
iii. Memberikan kefahaman terhadap kekeliruan kepada Islam dan membuat kajian kepada para peserta.

b) Bahagian Gerakkan Semasa dan Perbincangan Umum i. Membicarakan hal gerakkan organisasi dan cara bagaimana hendak menggerakkannya dengan lebih agresif dan berupaya menghadapi cabaran dari dalam dan luar merujuk kepada gerakan pelajar.ii. Membicarakan soal semasa dalam pengertian ancaman kepada organisasi Islam dan cara mengatasi.c) Bahagian

Dalaman dan Soal Peribadi
i. Mengetahui masalah peribadi peserta yang berdasarkan kepada fitrah insan dan peringkat umum. Penyelesaian masalah hendaklah merujuk kepada Al Quran dan As Sunnah.ii. Memberikan semangat baru dalam membina hidup.
iii. Peri perlunya penghayatan Islam dengan bersungguh-sungguh.
Perbicaraan Tentang Usrah
1. Peringkat Awal2.
Peringkat Pertengahan3. Peringkat Penyelesaian 1. a. Membenarkan perlakuan bebas dalam keadaan yang dikawal.b. Melihat risiko selepas hari pertama dan kaji masalah yang dihadapi oleh mereka.* Memberikan gambaran Islam dalam bentuk kesederhanaan dan tidak menampakkan Islam itu satu perkara yang berat atau paksaan.2. a. Menanamkan rasa kesedaran peri perlunya sifat tanggungjawab terhadap Agama dan segala kemungkaran yang berlaku di sekitar.b. Penjelasan tentang hakikat Islam dan penuh rasa kesedaran jika tidak menunaikan suruhan dan meninggalkan larangan Allah.* Lebih merupakan kejituan dalam menyampaikan Islam.

3. a. Penerangan bagaimana hendak melaksanakan dua perkara di atas.b. Menghapuskan sikap lemah dan rendah diri atas alasan tidak mempunyai ilmu, kurang pengalaman, tiada kawan dan sebagainya.*
Perlu diingatkan bahawa dalam penyampaian hendaklah melihat pengalaman peserta samada pernah mengikuti gerakan dakwah / Islamiah atau mempunyai keupayaan dalam menjalankan gerakan Islam disekolah.

Darihal UsrahUsrah I a. Pengenalan diri dan pengertian usrah.b. Cara melaksanakan usrah.c. Masalah dalam menghadapi usrah.* Penekanan kepada masalah diri.

Usrah II
a. Penerangan tentang konsep Islam dan pelaksanaannya.b. Bagaimana hendak dilaksanakan mengikut kefahaman peserta dalam pengupasan dibuat.c. Implikasi kepada masyarakat umum.

Usrah III a. Kesimpulan dari usrah I dan II. Kalau boleh rujuk kepada buku-buku bagi menghuraikannya dengan lebih terperinci.Usrah IV a. Pengertian Ilmu dan Pendidikan dalam Islam.b. Bagaimana konsep ilmu dan pendidikan Islam dapat menjamin kehidupan insan dan membentuk peribadi.

Usrah V
a. Perbincangan buku-buku karangan tokoh-tokoh terkenal bagi menyelesaikan masalah ancaman kepada Islam dan perbincangan mengenai ummat Islam.b. Menerangkan ancaman dari segi fikiran, ibadah, pendidikan dan sebagainya.Usrah VI a. Perbincangan umum mengenai masalah ancaman dan penyelesaian dari Usrah IV dan V.Usrah VII a. Harapan kepada program usrah.b. Bagaimana hendak menjalankan dan apa yang perlu untuk mengatasi dan meningkatkan kegiatan usrah.LUJNAHLujnah I a. Perbincangan mengenai ceramah dan memberikan peluang kepada para peserta bercakap.b. Bagaimana hendak menyampaikan hasrat setelah mendengar ceramah memberikan kefahaman masyarakat dan khasnya pelajar-pelajar mengenai Islam.Lujnah II a. Membahaskan peranan ilmu kepada masyarakat iaitu Ilmu Duniawi dan Ilmu Ukhrawi.b. Persoalan - dilebihkan kepada para peserta.Lujnah III a. Persoalan mengenai wanita - peranan dan penglibatan mereka sebagai pembentuk rumah tangga Islam.b. Cara mereka hendak melibatkan diri dalam harakah Islamiah serta lapangan perjuangannya.Lujanah IV a. Perbincangan kertas kerja.Perbincangan UmumPenekanan kepada latihan berpidato dan bercakap terutamanya dikhalayak ramai.Peringkat permulaan lebih ditumpukan kepada menguji dalam bentuk berbincang - lihat sejauh mana mereka boleh berbincang dan bercakap.Dalam perbincangan hendaklah dilebihkan kepada para peserta bercakap dan ketua perbincangan hanya diminta bercakap sebagai membantu dan membuat kesimpulan dari perbincangan yang telah dijalankan. Ini adalah sebagai menghidupkan majlis. Perbincangan itu kalau boleh diselitkan sedikit taktik dalam memberikan hujah dan menolak pendapat orang lain.

Tajuk-Tajuk Perbincangan UmumPerbincangan Umum I : “Agama Islam - sejauh mana perlaksanaan dan implikasinya kepada masyarakat Islam di Malaysia.

Perbincangan Umum II : “ Sekitar persoalan Ilmu dan Pendidikan Islam kini dan bagaimana hendak mengatasinya mengikut pandangan Agama Islam. ”Perbincangan Umum III : “ Kepentingan Jema’ah dan individu dalam membina masyarakat Islam. ”Perbincangan Umum IV : “ Bagaimana dan cara-cara hendak meningkatkan Jema’ah dan Gerakan Pelajar Islam. ”“ Serulah ke jalan Tuhanmu dengan cara yang bijaksana dan berbincanglah dengan cara yang baik. ”“ Mengapakah kamu mengambil sebahagian dari isi Al Kitab dan meninggalkan sebahagian yang lain. Tidak lain dari balasan bagi orang yang berbuat demikian daripada mu melainkan kenistaan dalam kehidupan dunia dan pada hari kiamat mereka dikembalikan kepada seksaan yang sangat berat.

Allah tidak lengahkan apa yang kamu perbuat. ”KE ARAH PEMBENTUKAN TARBIAHUSRAHIslam bukanlah hanya satu Agama yang menitikberatkan pengalaman rukun-rukun ibadah sahaja malahan ia merangkumi keseluruhan cara hidup yang sempurna. Tujuan dasar Islam adalah untuk membimbing penganutnya ke arah keseluruhan aspek hidup termasuk aspek moral dan budi pekerti. Allah S.W.T berfirman di dalam Al Quran yang bermaksud :“ Bahawa tidak aku jadikan manusia dan jin kecuali untuk tunduk menyembahku.”{Surah Az-Zaariyat : Ayat 51}Ibadat dalam Islam tidak terhad kepada amalan-amalan Agama ( religious duties ) semata-mata tetapi meliputi segala yang bersangkutan dengan kehidupan manusia samada dari segi lahiriah mahupun rohaniah. Andainya ummat Islam dapat mempraktikkan seluruh gerak laku hidup berlandaskan prinsip-prinsip yang terkandung di dalam Al Quran maka keseluruhan hidup tersebut dikatakan ibadah. Hal ini disebabkan pendekatan ajaran Islam yang stabil dalam menerima bentuk-bentuk kelakuan manusia yang semulajadi begitu lemah dan tidak sunyi dari melakukan sebarang kesilapan serta sentiasa terdedah kepada pengaruh-pengaruh alam sekitar.

Pendek kata, segala aktiviti-aktiviti ummat Islam seperti belajar atau bekerja bagi mencari nafkah untuk keluarga dikatakan sebagai ibadah selama mana tidak terkeluar dari batas-batas perundangan Islam.Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. telah menyatakan intisari Islam dalam sabdanya :“ Sesungguhnya aku didatangkan ke alam ini adalah untuk menyempurnakan budi pekerti yang mulia. ”Sahabat-sahabat Nabi telah mengikuti ajaran-ajaran ini dengan sebaik-baiknya. Mereka menyedari bahawa ajaran Islam adalah ajaran yang dinamik dan mampu membimbing ke arah kehidupan yang sempurna.

Mereka mempelajari ayat-ayat suci Al Quran dengan sungguh-sungguh dan teliti. Tegasnya bahawa ibadah dalam Islam adalah untuk memperbaiki budi pekerti manusia dalam tempoh kehidupan yang sementara.Adalah menjadi tujuan Agama untuk menarik minat orang luar melalui ‘ superhuman model ’ ( muslim yang baik ). Allah S.W.T telah berfirman yang bermaksud :“ Sesungguhnya untukmu disisi Rasulullah contoh ikutan yang sebaik-baiknya. ”{Surah Al Ahzab : Ayat 21}Al-Quran mengutuk keras kepada penganut-penganutNya yang hanya pandai bercakap mengenai Agama tetapi tidak mengamalkannya. Jelaslah bahawa keperluan dalam menitik beratkan soal pembentukan peribadi hendaklah berlunaskan ajaran-ajaran Islam yang telah ditetapkan.Kesimpulannya usrah adalah proses untuk mengikat hubungan yang lebih mantap di kalangan ahli-ahli untuk melakukan kerja Islam yang mencabar.

Tegur-menegur sesama ahli dan nasihat-menasihati merupakan asas kekuatan sesuatu ummah. Kemanisannya akan dirasai apabila pelaksanaannya menepati dengan kehendak usrah.


Arabic Lesson : 2

1 Red Ahmar
2 Yellow Asfar
3 Green Akhdar
4 Black Aswad
5 Purple Banafsaji
6 Sunday Al-Ahad
7 Monday Al-ithnein
8 Tuesday Ath-thulatha’
9 Wednesday Al-arboo3a’
10 Thursday Al-khamees
11 Friday Al-jom3ah
12 Saturday As-sabet
13 I am happy (m) Ana Masroor
14 I am happy (f) Ana masroorah
15 I am sad (m) Ana hazeen (m)
16 I am sad (f) Ana hazeenah (f)
17 In the name of Allah Bismil-lah
18 Allah blessing Ma-sha-Allah
19 Thanks to Allah Hamdu-lil-lah
20 In Allah will In-sha-Allah
21 In the blessing of Allah 3ala barakatil-lah
22 See you later Fe amani-lah
23 You are welcome Ahlan wa sahlan
24 Bye Ma3assalamah
25 Religion Deen
26 Peace Sala~m
27 Prayer Salat
28 Call for prayer Azan
29 Thanks to Allah Shukran lil-lahi


Arabic Lesson : 7

Lesson # 7 = Ad-dars As-sabi3

1 Peace to you Salam 3leikom
2 I am fine, Thanks to Allah Ana bi kheir, Shukran lil lahi
3 I am fine thank you my sister Ana bi kheir ya ukhti
4 I am fine thank you my brother Ana bi kheir, shukran ya akhi
5 I am fine, thank you my brother Ana bi kheir, Shukran ya akhi
6 I am well, thank you my teacher Ana bi kheir, Shukran ya ustazi/ustazah
7 Yes, I am busy (m) Na3am, ana mas’3ool
8 Yes, I am busy (f) Na3am, ana mash’3oolah
9 No, I am not busy (m) Kal-la, ana lastu mash’3ool
10 No, I am not busy (f) Kal-la, ana lastu mash3oolah
11 Yes, I am happy Na3am, ana masroor/ah
12 No, I am not happy Kal-la, ana lastu mash’3ool/ah
13 Yes, I am sick Na3am, ana mareed/ah
14 Yes, I am sad Na3am, ana hazeen/ah
15 No, I am not sad Kal-la, ana lastu hazeen/ah
16 I am hungry Ana ja-i3 – Ja-i3ah
17 I am tired Ana te3ben/ah


Arabic Lesson:4

1 One Wahid واحد
2 Two Ith-nein اثنان
3 Three Thalethah ثلاثة
4 Four Arba3ah أربعة
5 Five Khamsah خمسة
6 Six Sit-tah ستة
7 Seven Sab3ah سبعة
8 Eight Thamaniyiah ثمانية
9 Nine Tis3ah تسعة
10 Ten 3asharah عشرة
11 Hair Sha3er شعر
12 Nose Anf انف
13 Eye 3ein عين
14 Ear Ouzon أ ُذن
15 Mouth Fam فم
16 Hand Zira3 / yad يد – ذراع
17 Tall Taweel طويل
18 Short Kasseer قصير
19 I am Tall (m) Ana taweel أنا طويل (m)
20 I am Tall (F) Ana Taweelah أنا طويلة (f)
21 I am short (m) Ana kasseer أنا قصير (m)
22 I am short (F) Ana kasseerah أنا قصيرة (f)
23 Thanks to Allah * Shukran lil-lahi شكرا ً لله
24 May God Protect me Alohomma-hfazni اللهم احفظني
25 God will Inshaallah إن شاء الله
26 May Allah have merci on me Alohomma-rhamni اللهم ارحمني
27 My Brother Akhi أخي
28 My sister Oukhti أختي
30 My friend (m) (F) Sadiki (m) / Sadikati (f) صديقي (m) , صديقتي (f)
31 My Father Abi أبي


Arabic Lesson:5

Fifth Lesson = Ad-dars Al-khamis

1.How are you (m)
Kiefa Holoka
كَيَفَ حْالُك

2.How are you (f)
Kiefa holoki
كيف حالك ِ

3.I am well, Thank you
Ana bi kheir
أنا بخير

4.My brother
Ya akhi
يا أخي

5.My sister
Ya oukhti
يا أختي

6.I am happy (f)
Ana Masroor
أنا مَسْرُوْر

7.I am happy (f)
Ana masroorah
أنا مَسْرورَةَ

8.I am sad (m)
Ana hazeen (m)
انا حَزين

9.I am sad (f)
Ana hazeenah (f)
أنا حَزينَة

10.In the name of Allah
بـِسْم ِ الله

11.Allah blessing
مَا شْاءَ الله

12.Thanks to Allah
الحمد لله

13.In Allah will
أِنْ شَاءَ الله

14.In the blessing of Allah
3ala barakatol-lah
على بَرَكة الله

16.See you later
Fe amani-lah
في أمان ِ الله

17.You are welcome
Ahlan wa sahlan
أهلا ً وَ سهلا ً




22.Call for prayer

23.Thanks to Allah
Shukran lil-lahi
شكرا ً لله


Arabic Lesson:10

Lesson # 10 = Ad-dars Aa-thani 3asher

1. hello
As-salamo alikom
wa laikom as-salam

2.How are u ?
Keifa haloka/m keifa haloki/ f
Alhamdoulilah /both

3.What is ur name ?
Ma ismoka /m ma ismoki/f
Esmi ……/ both

4.Where are u from my brother or sister ?
Min ieina anta ya akhi? /m Min ieina anti ya okhti?/f
Ana min ……./both

5.Do u speak Arabic?
Hal tatakalam al3rabiah/m hal tatakalameena al3rabiah/f
Na3am Ana Ataka-lamu Al-3rabia gayedan/both kal-la or la ana ataka_lamu al3rabiatu qaleelan

6.This is home
Haza ba-yi-to
It is from male things adjective

7.This is masjed
Haza masjed
male things

8.This is door
Haza baab

9.This is book
Haza keetab

10.This is pen
Haza qa-lam

11.This is key
Haza mouftah

12.This is desk
Haza ma-ktab

13.This is bed
Haza sa-rier

14.This is chair
Haza kor-see

15.What is this
Haza ba-yi-to
aa-haza ba-yi-to
na3am haza ba-yi-to

16.What is this
Haza qaa-meeece

17.Is this bed
aa-haza sa-rier
La haza kor-see

18.Is this key
aa-haza muoftah
La haza qa-lam

19.What is this
Haza najm



  1. Class time table Aug.09-06
  2. Quran Intermediate *5:00~7:00am *Sis.Asmaa *F *Monday
  3. Arabic letters beginner *5:00~7:00am *Sis. Eman Nannu*F*Monday
  4. Quran Tafseer *6:00~8:30*Bro. Mamdouh*F/M*Monday
  5. Islam history 8:30~10:00Bro. Ahmad (Alex)F/MMonday
  6. Arabic beginners 11:00-12:30Sis. Eman NannuFTuesday
  1. Arabic cnvrstion 5:00~7:00am Bro. HusseinFTuesday
  2. Cmpanion story 6:00-8:00Sis. EmanF/MTuesday
  3. Hadith 8:00-10:00Sis. DinaF/MTuesday
  4. Quran recitation *10:00-11:00Sis. **Emmy *F *Wednesday
  5. Quran *5:00 ~ 6:00am **Sis.Asmaa *F *Wednesday
  6. Arabic beginners **5:00~7:00am **Sis. Eman Nannu *F **Wednesday
  7. Islamic history **6:00 ~ 8:00pm **Sis.Islam **F **Wednesday
  8. Muslim manner **8:00~9:30 pm **Sis Dina **F **Wednesday
  9. Quran recitation **9:30-11:00Bro. ** Hussein **F **Wednesday
  10. Arabic beginners ***11:00~12:30 **Sis. Eman Nannu **F **Thursday
  11. Arabic cnvrstion **5:00~6:00am **Bro. Hussein **F **Thursday
  12. Prophet life ** 6:00-8:00 pm **Bro. Mamdouch **F/M **Thursday
  13. Quran recitation ** 8:00~9:30 pm **Bro. Hussein **F **Thursday
  14. Quran recitation **10:00-11:00 Sis. **Emmy **F **Friday
  15. Quran intermediate 5:00~7:00am Sis. Lamiaa F Friday
  16. Arabic beginners 5:00~7:00am Sis. Eman Nannu F Friday
  17. Quran tafseer 6:00~8:00 Bro. Mamdouh F/M Friday
  18. Quran class ***8:00~10:00pm Emmy F Friday
  19. Arabic beginner **11:00~12:30 Sis Eman Nannu F Saturday
  20. Arabic cnvrstion ** 5:00 ~ 7:00am Bro.Hussein F Saturday
  21. Arabic & Quran **5:00~7:00am Bro.Nasser M Saturday
  22. Prayer class **6:00 ~ 8:00pm Bro. Hussein F Saturday
  23. Quran tafseer *** 8:00~10:00Bro. Mamdouh F/M Saturday
  24. Quran recitation ***10:00-11:00 Sis. Emmy F Sunday
  25. Quran intermediate **5:00~7:00am Sis.Asmaa F Sunday
  26. Arabic & Quran **5:00~7:00am **Bro.Nasser **M **Sunday
  27. Fiqh **6:00~8:30 **Sis.Eman **F/M **Sunday
  28. Quran Tafseer **8:30~10:00 **Bro.Ahmad **F/M **Sunday
  29. Arabic beginner *11:00~12:30 *Sis Eman Nannu **F

  1. Coordinater
    **all Egypt time


    1)The classes are supposed to be conducted in sophisticated environment. Hence a member should not consider it a chatroom. No pm during the class to any brother or sister unless necessity.
    2)A member must maintain proper discipline and avoid abusive speech

    3)He or she is supposed not to interrupt the teacher's speech through microphone especially during the lecture.
    4)Questions are only entertained during the Question and Answer session.

    5)Unnecessary points are discouraged to be pasted on the window.

    6)A member is not allowed to invite those people who are not serious in learning Islamic knowledge.


Arabic Lesson : 1

First Lesson = Ad-dars Al-Awal

1.Hello (Islamic hello)

السلام عليكم

2.Answer to Hello

و عليكم السلام

3.How are you my brother

كيف حالك يا اخي

4.How are you my sister

كيف حالك ِ يا اختي

5.I am fine, thank you

انا بخير , شكرا

6.And you (m)/(f)

و انت ( m ) و انت ِ ( f)

7.What is your name

ما اسمك

8.Do you speak Arabic

هل تتكلم العربية

9.Yes, I do speak Arabic a little bit

نعم انا اتكلم العربية قليلا

10.I speak Arabic fushah

انا اتكلم العربية الفصحى

11.What is your name

ما اسمك

12.My name is :

انا اسمي :

13.What do you do

ماذا تعمل

14.I am a house wife

انا ربة بيت

15.Thanks to Allah

الحمد لله

16.In the name of Allah

بسم الله

17.My brother


18.My sister


19.My Mother


20.My daughter


21.My son


22.My Grandson (father)


23.My Grandson (mother)


24.See you later (Islamicly)

اراك لاحقا

25.Thank you my brother

شكرا يا اخي

26.Thank you my sister

شكرا يا اختي

27.Sorry I am busy

اسف انا مشغوول

28.Forgive me


30.I love Islam

احب الاسلام


The Sunnah Act of Wudu'

The sunna acts of wudu:

1) Using siwak Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet (ABAPBUH) said: “Were I not afraid that it would cause hardship to my Umma,
I would have ordered them to use siwak before each wudu.

2) Placing the water vessel to the right if it is big so that one can scoop
with one’s right hand, and placing it to the left if it is small in order
to pour water with one’s left hand over the right one. If someone
is helping one pour the water then it is recommended for the helper
to stand on the left because it is easier and more prope

3)Facing the Quibla (direction of prayer), for although wudu is a means, it is also an act of worship in itself. It is also sunna to choose a place in which the water would not splash back onto one.

4)Pronouncing the intention aloud and remaining aware of it throughout wudu.

5)The tasmiya saying” In the name of Allah(13) Abu Hurayrah narrated that The Prophet (ABAPBUH) said: There is no prayer for him who does not perform wudu, and there is no wudu for him who does not mention Allah’s name upon it (his wudu).”” The time for tasmiya is when you intend to perform the sunna acts of wudu as you start to wash your ahnds. If you omit saying tasmiya at the beginning, even intentionally, you may say before you finish “In the name of Allah upon its beginning and end. (14) This is so that wudu will not be devoid of the name of Allah. If you end your wudu without saying tasmiya, then you should not say it at that point because its proper place was missed.

6)Washing the hands at the beginning of wudu because they are the tool used in purification. Therefore, one should start by cleaning them first. Ibn Ous Ibn Abu Ous narrated that his grandfather said: “I saw The Prophet (ABAPBUH) washing his hands three times. This sunna is more confirmed when waking up from sleep. Abu Hurayrah narrated that The Prophet (ABAPBUH) said “If one of you wakes up from sleep then he should not dip his hand into the water vessel until he washes his hands three times because one does not know where his hand has been (during his sleep)”. Al Shafi’I said: I would like each person who wakes up from sleep, be it daytime sleep or otherwise, not to dip his hand into the water until he washes it. If he dips his hand before washing it, this will not spoil the water unless there is some najasa on his hand, though I would hate for him to do so” Therefore, if you have doubts as to whether or not your hands are najis, it is makrooh for you to dip them into a small amount of water, or any other liquid, without washing them whether you have woken up from sleep or not. If you are certain that your hands are free of najasa, then it is sunna for you to wash them. However, if you are certain that they are najis then you must wash them before dipping them into the water.

7)The madmadah and Istinshaaq, i.e. rinsing the mouth and the nose with water. Abdullah Ibn Zaid said: He was asked to perform wudu like that of Prophet Muhammad (ABAPBUH) so he asked for a vessel and poured water from it on his hands and washed them three times, then he put his hand into the water and took it out and rinsed his mouth and nose out with a single handful and he did that three times. This sunna act is done by rinsing the mouth first then the nose. Rinsing the mouth is done by taking the water into the mouth, whether by swishing it around the mouth and expelling it out or not (it is best to spit it out). Rinsing the nose out is done by taking the water into the nose, whether by sniffing it up into the nose and expelling it out or not (it is best expel it from the nose) Abu Hurayrah narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) said: “Whoever performs wudu should inhale water into his nose,then expel it. It is better to rinse the mouth and the nose out in one handful of water, that is three times in three handful, for the above-mentioned hadith of Abullah Ibn Zaid. It is sunna to exaggerate in these (Let the water reach as much of the mouth and nostrils as possible) for Laqeet Ibn Sabrah said: I asked Prophet Muhammad (ABAPBUH) about wudu and he said: Perform wudu properly and thoroughly, rub between the fingers, and exaggerate in inhaling the water into the nose unless you are fasting. It is also sunna to scoop water with the right hand and to blow one’s nose with the left hand acoording to Ali’s hadith about the description of the Prophet’s wudu: And he entered his right hand into the water vessel, filled his mouth and rinsed it, took water into his nose and blew it out with the left hand, and he did that three times.

8)To start washing the head from the top, the arms from the fingers and the feet from the toes. If someone pours water for you, then you should start washing the arms from the elbows and the feet from the anklebones (so as to splash water on the person helping you.)

9)Being attentive (when washing the face) of the inner corners of the eyes and other facial folds and wrinkles Abu Umamah narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) used to rub the inner corners of his eyes, It is not sunna to wash the inside of the eyes because it has not been narrated that The Prophet (ABAPBUH) did so, and because it can be harmful.

10)Washing more is obligatory of the face by adding part of the head and part of the neck. Also, it is sunna to add part of the arm over the elbow when washing the arm and part of the leg over the anklebone when washing the foot for Abu Hurayrah said: I heard The prophet (ABAPBUH) saying: on the day of resurrection, my followers will be called Al-Ghurr Al-Muhajjaleen (with light upon their face, arms and feet) from the traces of wudu, therefore he who can increase the area of his radiance (by washing part of the head and neck) should do so. Abu Hazem said: “I was behind Abu Hurayrah while he was performing wudu for prayer and he extended his hand (under the water) until it reached his armpit. I said to him: “O Abu Hurayrah, what is this wudu? He said: “O, bani Forroukh, you are here! If I knew that you were here I would not have performed wudu like I did, I heard my beloved Prophet Muhammad (ABAPBUH) saying: The ornament of a believer will reach (on the day of judgement) as far as his wudu reaches.

11)Rubbing between the fingers by clasping them, starting from their tops, for the above mentioned hadith by Laqeet Ibn Sabra “Rub between the fingers, and exaggerate in inhaling water into the nose unless you are fasting.”

12)Twisting one’s ring Abu Rafe narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) used to move his ring when he performed wudu.”

13)Beginning with the right foor Aisha narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) used to like starting with the right in putting on his khuff, combing his hair, purification, and in all his affairs.

14)Rubbing the parts of the body (while washing them) Abdullah Ibn Zaid Ibn Asem narrated that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) made wudu and said: “Rubbing is done in this way” Also, this is recommended, to avoid the difference of opinions amongst the scholars.

15)Wiping all over the head. This is achieved by putting the hand on the front of the head with the index fingers touching while placing the thumbs on the temples then sliding the fingers back to the nape of the neck, and then returning them to where one started. This movement of the fingers backwards and forwards is regarded as one wiping. All this applies if the hair can be turned over (because it is short for example). If sliding the fingers back (to the starting position) may mess it up, then one need not wipe back. In the hadith of Yahya Al-Mazeni “A man said to Abdullah Ibn Zaid: “Could you show me how the Prophet (ABAPBUH) used to perform wudu?” Abdullah Ibn Zaid said: Yes’ and he asked for water… and then he wiped his head with his two hands moving them backwards and forwards, he started with the front of the head and moved back to the nape of his neck then he returned them to the place he started from… “If you do not want to take off your head cover you can wipe part of the head then complete the wiping, in the above mentioned manner, over the head cover three times. Al-Mugheerah Ibn Shu’bah narrated that: “The Prophet (ABAPBUH) performed wudu and he wiped over hi khuff and his turban.”

16)Wiping the ears (their inside and outside) after wiping the head, with fresh water. Amr Ibn Shu’aib said: “Then he (the Prophet (ABAPBUH) wiped his head and entered his forefingers into his ears and wiped the backs of his ears with his thumbs and the inside with his forefingers. Wiping the ears should be done after wiping the head. Hence if you wipe your ears before your head, it does not count because you did it out of roder.

17)Washing between the toes from bottom to top with the finger of the left hand. One starts with the little toe on the right foot and finishes with the little toe on the left. Al’Mustawred Ibn Shaddad said: “I saw the Messenger of Allah performing wudu, he entered the water between his toes with his little finger.” Washing between the toes is sunna of the toes are separated but if they overlap so that the water does not go between them, it becomes obligatory. It is recommended when washing the feet to start with the toes and take a lot of care when rubbing the heels especially in winter because water may be repelled from them.

18)Doing each washing, and wiping, three times. Amr Ibn Shu’aib narrated through his father through his grandfather that: “A man came to The Prophet (ABAPBUH) and asked him: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the way to perform wudu? So he asked for a vessel of water and washed his hands three times, washed his face three times, washed his arms three times wipe over his head, then he entered his two forefingers into his ears and wiped the back of his ears with his thumbs and the inside with his forefingers, Then, he washed his feet three times and said: This is the way of performing wudu and whoever exceeds this, or does less, he has done wrong.” Shaqeeq Ibn salamah narrated: I saw Uthman Ibn Affan (doing wudu), he washed his arms three times and wiped over his head three times, then he said: I saw the Prophet (ABAPBUH) do this.””

19)Continuity and succession which mean washing each part directly after the previous one leaving no time gap in between, It has been reported through some companions that: “The Prophet (ABAPBUH) ordered him to repeat his wudu and prayer”. Also, this is necessary to avoid the opposing opinion of scholars who consider wudu void if a long time gap is left between washing the parts of the body

20)To say immediately after performing wudu and while facing the qibla. “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger (15) Uqba Ibn Aamer narrated that Umar said that: The Prophet (ABAPBUH) said: “Whoever performs wudu perfectly and thoroughly then says: “I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger,’ all eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him so that he may enter through whichever he pleases.”” Al-Tirmithi added: “O Allah, make me of the oft-repenting, of the oft-purifying of themselves.” (16) One can add: “O Allah, I declare Your exaltedness above every imperfection and Your praise. I testify there is no god but You. I ask for Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance. (17) It is acceptable to say other du’a (supplications) while washing the parts of one’s body.

***lesson from fiqh class YM


Maafkan Aku !!!!


maafkan aku, aku tak bersenjata......
maafkan aku, aku tak berkudrat.....
maafkan aku, aku tak berlangkah.....
maafkan aku, aku tak sehebat pahlawan....
dan maafkan aku, aku tak ada memorandum untuk
diarak menunjuk perasaan......
aku cuma ada doa dan kebencian....
ya Allah ya tuhan....
kami rayu kepadamu, selamatkan Lubnan, selamatkan
Palestin, selamatkan Iraq, selamatkan Iran,
selamatkan Syria, selamatkan Afghanistan dan
ya Allah ya tuhan....
kami hamba yang lemah, hamba yang tak sanggup
melihat derita suku-suku kami, derita se-Islam
kami, derita saudara-saudara kami, derita si bapak
yang mendakap keras jasad si anak, derita ibu
menjadi janda, derita anak menunggal beryatimkan
nisan keluarga syahidin....
selamatkan saudara-saudara seIslam kami dari
segala bentuk penindasan, dari segala bentuk
kekejaman, dari segala bentuk bahana peperangan....
bantulah ya Allah ya tuhan,
bantulah pejuang-pejuang Hisbullah dan pejuang Palestin,
bantulah pejuang-pejuang menentang Yahudi,
bantulah pejuang-pejuang menentang sekutu-sekutu syaitan,
bantulah pejuang-pejuang menentang penentang
agamamu Islam,
ya Allah ya tuhan,
sejahterakan muslimin dan muslimat, mukminin dan
mukminat, kuatkan semangat kami, hidupkan api
perjuangan kami dan tinggikan martabat
saudara-saudara Islam kami....
lemahkan Israel, lemahkan Yahudi dan lemahkan
mereka-mereka yang berniat jahat dengan Islam
ya Allah ya tuhan....
sesungguhnya kami hamba-hamba yang lemah...
tak bersenjata untuk melawan,
merayu keagungan-Mu ya Allah....
terimalah doa kami....
angkatlah doa kami setinggi-tinggi langit...
menjadi senjata mematikan khianat musuh...
sesungguhnya kami teraniaya...
la illahailla anta subhana kain'ni kuntuminaz'zalimin....
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The pressure is working. Let's ratchet it up.
With hope,
Ricken Patel, Ceasefire Campaign


The Trial of Mashtha and Asiyah (AS)
Two ladies in the time of Musa (AS)

The daughter of Firaun had a nurse maid. The name of this nurse maid was Mashtha. There came a day when Mashtha, the nurse maid, was busy combing the hair of the daughter of Firaun. Whilst combing, the comb fell out of her hand onto the floor. In raising and lifting that comb from the floor, this maid of the daughter Firaun, uttered the following words,"Curses be upon those who reject Allah!

"Immediately the daughter of Firaun turned to her and said,"Do you believe in a god besides my father?!"Mashtha, the maid said,

"My Creator, my Allah, and your Allah and your father’s Allah, and the Allah of the heaven’s and the earth, He is one Allah, no partners have He!"Then the daughter of Firaun said,"You dare say such a word!"...and she entered the chambers of her father weeping and crying. (Hadith)What happened here was in the time of Prophet Musa (AS).

Amongst the era of the Israelites, there were many who had accepted an Islam in secret. They had come to him and accepted. They came and accept Islam, the true religion. They accepted the deen of Musa (AS), or Islam. They accepted it, but they remained in secret. Why did they remain in secret? I’ll quote it to you in the first ayah of the Quran. They accepted and remained in secret why???Firaun was an oppressor!!! He slew their male children and he preserved the females alive for personal use and aggrandizement (glorification).

So because he was an oppressor, they were afraid and fearful to reveal their Islam to him. Therefore they held it back. But there were many Muslims in the employ of Firaun. Many, many they were who had accepted the deen.One of them so happened to be the youthful maid, of the daughter of Firaun who worked in the palace, in the chambers of Firaun.Firaun with a tremendous power and strength in Egypt (the Quran says) in Surah Zukhruf 43:51-52. And Allah says:"And Firaun proclaimed among his people. O My People! Does not the land of Egypt belong to me and I am not the possessor, the maker of the land of Egypt and these are the rivers that flow in my property, the Nile and the tributies of the Nile. I have created them. They are my property.

They belong to me. There’s no god besides me. Don’t you see am I not better than Musa, who is a disgrace and can’t even express himself clearly?" (Muslimeen, you know the story of Prophet Musa, not being able to utter clearly)Now what does Firaun? He laughs at Musa,"This Musa is the Musa that grew up in MY palace. He is trying to bring about change and he is trying to bring about La ilaha illa Allah. Well he is a disgrace! He doesn’t even speak clearly. He doesn’t even have bracelets of gold or angels to attend to him in orderly procession (while Firaun had ALL these armies and parades)."He (Firaun) said,"Musa hasn’t got anything!"In the Egypt, the mark of a man of status was (you’ll see it even now in the idols and so on) they have this golden bracelet around the neck."So Musa hasn’t even got any mark of being a man of honor, of status and dignity! He’s got not blue blood! And he’s got no angels or soldiers or armies parading for him!

"That is what Allah tells us. This is how Firaun was. That’s the kind of man he was. Quran tells us in Surah Mu’min 40:25:"And when the Prophets [Prophet Musa (AS) is meant here] came to them with a troop from us, they said (O these oppressor said), ‘Slay the sons of those who have believed with him [in other words, slay the sons of those who have believed with Musa (AS)] and save their daughters alive for our use. But the strategy of the disbelievers (says Allah) was to end in vain."We’re coming to our story now…What did Firaun say?"Any believer you find in my community and amongst my people, anyone you find who is believing in the deen of Musa (AS), slay their sons (with him) and save their daughters alive."But the strategy says, all of the believers was to end in vain. Allah (SWT) also says in Surah An-Nazi’at 79:23-27. Allah says (And this Firaun, he called up a big parade on Monday, a big rally he made, and what did he say?),"And the Firaun gathered his people and he proclaimed, ‘I am your Lord and the Supreme one.’

Therefore (says Allah), Allah chastised him with a punishment of the hereafter and also of the present life (and Allah says), verily here is an example and a lesson for him, that fear of Allah."The story I am about to tell you. This is the theme of it, "That we must learn to respect, honor our deen and to fear Allah (SWT) all the time."See now the fear of a maid, in the palace. See now the courage and the bravery of a simple maid, in the palace of this powerful Firaun. Imagine what I’m going to tell you now and reveal to you now, of what is courage of iman and what is bravery of quite conviction.Here is a girl, young girl, she was a mother, yes. She’s a young girl, she comes from a very poor family. She’s working for a living. She is the comb girl and maid of the daughter of the Firaun.

But when iman came into her, look at what iman did to her.This maid’s name was Mashtha. She was the mother of two. She was the wife of Karkeel, who also had accepted the deen of Prophet Musa (AS), Islam. But Mashtha was an extrovert, meaning that she was a fearless person. Whatever she had to say, she always said it. Remember when she was picking up the comb, she said what she wanted to say. So she was an extrovert type of person. Very brave, very honorable, very courageous. And she admitted to Firaun’s daughter to believing in Allah and said that he is Lord and Creator of the worlds and of Firaun and of the heavens and of the earth.The daughter of Firaun went and reported this girl Mashtha to her father. Firaun holds court, in other words, like a court proceedings. Firaun holds court and he summons Mashtha. Soldiers, go and bring her, chained as she is. She is brought before the justice of Firaun. She comes however smiling and laughing. And in her heart she says,"Today is a test of my iman, today is the test of my faith. I, she tells herself, will never succumb because I am ever prepared to meet my maker.

Today, let the interrogation begin. Ask me what you will, but you shall not get me to change my faith or to succumb."So Firaun proceeds.After establishing her faith, she says she believes in the God of Musa, in the Allah of Musa, in the unity of Allah, Allah is one. Accepting the words which she said in front of the daughter of Firaun. She repeats it bravely and courageous in front of this powerful ruler (where Allah says what his power was, in the Quran recited above). Allah also speaks of his power. He (that said),"Everything belongs to him."That man threatens her and he tells hers, and she in front of him, without fear of punishment, she tells him exactly the truth. Then he tells her, he says,"Look here Mashtha leave your Allah and accept me as your Lord and Creator for who is going to save you now? If you accept me as your God I can save you and release you. But if you have a God, where’s your God? Can He save you now?"This was his belief. And he said,"All right Mashtha! I’ll give you a chance. Leave your God. Leave your Allah. Accept me as your Allah, as your God and I will spare your life."Listen to her reply. Mashtha replies, she says,"Not on your life! Not on my life! Do your worst you criminal, but me you will never convince! Not til the day of Qiyamah (day of judgment)!!!"This is the first time where anybody has had this bravery and courage (besides Prophet Musa (AS) of course). This is the first time in the history of Egypt, when Firaun ruled, where a young girl of this kind, a servant girl, stood up in front of Firaun and bravely told him his story. This courage and conviction came from this servant girl.So Firaun, like Shaytan, also adopted certain strategies and steps to punish people.

He orders Mashtha, he orders the soldiers, to take her to the reptile den.He had a special reptile den. If anybody who is a believer, suspected of belief is brought in front of him, he questions them. He asks them whether they are believers. If they admit they are believers, they are put into a reptile den. That is where the people are made to suffer, where there are reptiles and scorpions, and everything are kept.So, he orders Mashtha to be taken to the reptile den, and she is told,"O Mashtha, you will be released to these pythons, reptiles, snakes, and scorpions and they shall feed on you for two months. We warn you before we put you in there. Accept Firaun as your God and we will set you free."And she replied to the soldiers and she told them,"You talk of two months? To me, even if you put me in this reptile den for seventy months, that would be too little. With each day of this punishment that I have here in this reptile den, my faith will only increase without going back. Without abating one bit. No matter to what trial and test you face me or force me!"And she laughed at them in their face!In Sahih Bukhari there is a Hadith which says,"The power of iman is such that once it fills the heart of a true believing Mu’min it is impossible to be removed."Mashtha had two daughters. She’s put into the reptile den. Whatever happened there is not told to us. What period she remained in the reptile den, we don’t know.

All we know that she was taken out from there by the soldiers of Firaun UNSCATHED. So, she is removed from there.Test number two: Mashtha had two daughters. One was a five year old girl and she had a breast-feeding baby. So Firaun orders these two girls, of this young mother, the two daughters must be brought. He first says,"Take Mashtha and strap her."Now Firaun had a punishment torture chamber. On this chamber there was a big slab of stone. And on this stone, there were four places (four pegs) jetting out of the ground. And he had these little prongs and anybody he wanted to punish or torture was thrown onto this slab of stone and then they were pegged like a tent. Their two hands and feet were stretched like this and tied down. They were pronged to it.So he orders Mashtha to be tied down in this matter. This was the custom which was started, this custom of torture was started by Firaun. This is what the Quran says regarding the system of torture which was introduced by Firaun. Firaun said (O to this Mashtha) in the Quran. Firaun tells her (to Mashtha and whatever believers there were) he tells her,"Have you believed in Him, in this Allah, of Musa before I have given such permission. Verily this is a plot which you have contrived in the city to remove its inhabitants. But you shall soon know that I am the Lord and the Master and the Creator, for I will cause you, your feet and your hands to be cut off on opposite sides and cause you all to be crucified."So this system of crucification and strapping was introduced (tells the Quran to us), by Firaun.

Firaun used to strap those who he suspected of true belief in one Allah and in the deen of Musa (AS) by their hands and feet, to four sticks, fixed on the slab of stone, the torture stone, and then to torture them, torment them.So Musa saw Mashtha was tied down and prepared for torture and torment. First her eldest five year old daughter is brought, placed over the chest of her mother and in those days the system of torture was if they wanted to kill anybody, all they did was to take a sharp knife and slit their throats, cut it off completely! This was the system of punishment. This little girl is brought, placed over the breast of her mother. And in front of her mother while her mother is looking on, her neck is cut off!And then Mashtha is told,"Now listen. O Mashtha get some sense into you. Accept Firaun as your Lord and your God and we will release you. Otherwise we will have to slaughter your little baby."And she replies (as a mother only can reply),"If you bring the whole of this world and sacrifice every daughter on my chest, I will not leave Allah, my Rubb, my Rubb."Firaun then orders, let the baby be brought and slay it across her chest and her bosom.Her little child is brought. He is placed on her chest. Her body, hands and feet being strapped and fastened as they were, this mother is totally helpless. And they prepare to cut the baby’s neck.The six month old baby of Mashtha, who had only recently suckled milk from her mother and who was now undergoing the supreme test of faith and iman.

The tears flow freely down this mother’s eyes and her baby and her body (the mother’s body) contorts with the emotion of heartbreak and every nerve and tissue, every fiber of her body is wreck by the passionate pain which only a mother experiences, the love which only a mother experiences for a child.And in this tense and frightful but macabre (gruesome) moment this baby of Mashtha (AS), this six month old baby, of this mother (who should be an example to every living mother of this world) speaks out in a loud and clear tone of voice.This little baby six month old baby, as the solider holds a knife to slaughter it and to cut off its neck; this little child in a loud voice so that everybody congregated in that chamber (hundreds of them used to congregate in that chamber to see the torture meated out by Firaun ,over those who were believers). This little child in a loud voice where everyone that is present there can hear tells his mother,"O my beloved mother, why do you cry so? Why do you weep so? I can see Jennah is being prepared for you my mother. O mother! O mother, don’t weep so. When you get to Jennah, you will be blessed with a vision and the noor (light) of Allah. So be in peace, in peace and in peace!"And as he says so, the neck of this child is cut off. In front of it’s mother. When this is done and these words of the child goes into the ears of the mother, tranquillity and peace descends on her. So the child is slain and on Firaun’s orders, the mother is also then slain. The mother is also, her neck is chopped off.

This is what happens in this torture chamber.But there is another lady and a true believer in the chamber, who is sitting on one side from upstairs, you can say, from her rooms and she is like watching this entire scene. You know who is that? That is the Mother of Musa (AS), if you can call her it. One was his real mother. One was his mother in the palace. She was who? Asiyah (AS).She is watching this whole seen. She was a believer, even before Mashtha was a believer. She cannot bare it. She cannot tolerate that a girl, a servant girl, has displayed this kind of iman (faith). She cannot tolerate it, and she runs from her room. She is completely overcome with emotion. She is hysterical, and Asiyah (AS) runs down seeks Firaun. She saw this entire proceedings and was overwhelmed.What convinced her even more to reveal her faith, was not only the courage and conviction of a maid, but what she saw by the Qadar (decree) of Allah. Of the malikahs (angels) descending from the heavens.

Allah revealed to her. Allah took away the curtains from her eyes and when Mashtha was killed, Asiyah (AS) by the Qadar of Allah saw the malikahs descending from the heavens with garlands and coffin from Jennah for Mashtha. Wrapping her Ruh in these robes of Jennah and ascending they were. This was too much for her. She could bear it no longer and she became hysterical. She regarded it as contemptible to hide her faith in Allah, any longer. She went (ran about) seeking out her husband and let fly. When she met him, she let fly with these words,"Have you become so courageous, you worst amongst mankind, you worst amongst men? You have dared to raise your finger towards Mashtha for a simple belief and you have slain her?"Firaun turns to her and says,"O Asiyah have you become incensed by it and angered by it? Are you also influenced by her brand of madness, by Mashtha’s brand of madness?"She replies and she says:"No! I am no jimun (I am not mad)! But I tell you now (for this is the first time she reveals to Firaun her iman)."She says,"But I warn you Firaun and I tell, my Lord, my Creator, My Rubb, My Allah, and your Lord and your Rubb and your Allah, same with Mashtha and youth, and the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth is one Allah and nobody comes near Him. He has no partnership!"

(This is not in the Quran I am quoting Hadith)Firaun was a powerful man. He was not only a genius and a very clever man, he was also a very big man. He had a very big body. He was a very powerful man. He stood up like an enraged bull. He tore her clothes and he beat her to a pulp. And then he summoned her family and her people and he said,"Talk some sense into her."He beat her until she was black and blue. Then he called her father, her mother, and her parents, sisters and all and he said,"Now you talk to this woman! Talk to her and explain to her that if she does not accept me as God and if she continues and persists in belief, believing in the deen of Musa (AS), then I will destroy her!"So the family, came together. Listen to the families words. This is nepotism. This is what we call booty, booty. They said,"O Asiyah. Let it be. Leave well alone. But Firaun IS God. He IS All-Mighty. He IS All-Powerful on earth, and he rules as he pleases. What goes on with you? Why are you throwing such golden opportunities away? Where is your pride? Where is your honor? Where is your dignity? We are amazed at your folly and stupidity. Come to your senses, O Asiyah! We plead with you. Look at all these things which Firaun has give us, all these homes and comforts and servants and wonderful presents he has given us, and gifts he has given us. All this we must loose? Asiyah, look at you, you the queen! Everything you want, you desire, you’ve got! Are you going to kick all those wonderful material blessings and pleasures that he has given you? You’re kicking all this aside, for La ilaha illa Allah?
And for the deen of Musa (AS). What’s the matter with you, have you become mad?"And she replies. Listen to the reply of Asiyah, she says:"Don’t waste your breath any longer, O foolish ones! What moves you, but the selfishness of pride and prejudice, and not the honor of dignity and respect. The affection for glamour and splendor moves you and not the inclination of pardon and submission to Allah, who is the Rubb and the Creator of all things. Even if Firaun were to present me with a glittering crown, the glory of which would be such, that the sun appear in front of me and he put the moon at the rear and the moon is at the rear with the sparkling stars inter-spaced between the two, I will not leave my Allah, who is my Rubb. That is my decision, that is my commitment, that is my conviction!"This was too much for Firaun and he immediately ordered her torture to begin. So she was strapped and fastened on the SAME slab of stone on which Mashtha had just recently been crucified.A tray of burning fire, a slab, a stone, he had a heavy stone. One was a stone below, then they placed a stone on her chest. A heavy stone was placed on her chest and on top of this stone, a huge bonfire was lit.The system was: the top stone was a thinner slab and what happens, you light a big fire on top. The stone is a slow condenser, so it heats up slowly and then it starts burning up the body. Slowly it starts, through heat, the body burns.

In other words, if you put fire to the body it will burn immediately.So he had evolved the strict way. First the big slab of stone, on which you are laid and you are strapped up. Then he had a thin slab of stone, like a tray, which is placed which is quite heavy, which is placed on top of you, and then a huge fire is lit on top of you. The heat of the fire travels upward, but a lot of the heat goes at the bottom and it penetrates, and then starts burning you up and torturing you.This gives him time, to try and force the believer to say that he (Firaun) is God. Once you say he is God, you are set free. So this was his system of punishment. So on Asiyah, his own wife, he does this. The stone is placed on her and a huge bonfire is lit on top of her, and he tells her,"O Asiyah, now leave your God alone and accept me as your God, as your Rubb; or I will increase your torture!"And she replies,"O Firaun if you punish me, you can only torture this body of mine. But you can never touch the love which I bare for Allah. Nor lessen it in any way. O Firaun! Even if you break my body into pieces and tear it into shreds, for each drop of blood that flows out, will my love for Allah will increase the more, no matter how you batter and bruise me. Reproaching, rebuking, and reviling O Firaun, are superficial complaints, but the love for a beloved, is deep and profound. INSIDE it is unapproachable. Look at me now Firaun, blood flows from every part of my body!

A fire is placed on top of me which is beginning to burn and scorch me, but the fire of irreproachable and unlimited love for Allah burns intensely and fiercely within this body!"These are the words of Queen Asiyah. This lady of Egypt. But in the mean time word of the Queen’s discovery of faith and iman, in one true Allah, has reached Prophet Musa (AS). And Musa who had grown up in this palace, who knows every avenue, every door, every link of the palace of Firaun, he rushes to the palace. He knew the entire, he knew the severity of the test.Which, this is why he had told Asiyah when she accepted faith at his hands, he told her don’t reveal it to Firaun otherwise he will torture you to death. But now the torture and the test has come. And he rushes in, wondering whether Asiyah could withstand and endure the pain of the torture that Firaun would meat, beat out to her.However on arriving in the torture chamber, he finds her strapped and tied down in the sacrificial chamber. Blood streaming from cuts and abrasions, lacerations, all over her body. But a great smile of peace and contentment he finds on her face. And she sees Musa coming and she says,"O Musa, Do you see? I have put on the mantle of departure from this world and I have put on the coat of the hereafter. Tell me, O Musa! Is my Creator satisfied, pleased and happy with me. Or is my Rubb displeased and angry with me?"And Prophet Musa (AS) replies to her. He said:"O Asiyah bint Muzahim (daughter of Muzahim), the malikahs of the seven heavens are awaiting you with great pleasure and Allah (SWT) looks forward to the pleasure of meeting you. Allah is pleased to meet you."This is what the Qur’an has to say about these last, last moments. I am quoting to you from Surah At-Tahrim 66:11. Allah says:"And Allah sets forth for those who believe the example (the parable) of the wife of Firaun, when she said: "O my Rubb, build for me a house with Thee in Jennah and deliver me from Firaun and his doings and deliver me from these unjust people."In the heavens Allah (SWT) is indicating to the angels, the nobleness and courage of conviction of a true believing Mu’minaat and of her love for Allah, for which she is prepared to sacrifice so much of wealth, position, and status and to endure so much pain, suffering and anguish. Allah (SWT) in front of the malikahs that are gathered there who are pleading with Allah to save Asiyah, Allah (SWT) is telling them that this is ihsan (the highest level of deeds and worship),"You see malikahs, when I created him, you said this ihsan is going to do so much public, so much evil and bloodshed in the world and commit so much sin. Do you see what quality I have given to those who believe? Look at this Asiyah, look at that Mashtha, look at this Musa, look at the courage and conviction of faith."Allah is telling the malikahs this,"Verily, We created man of a most excellent fabric. So Allah tells about this creation, and in the meantime in suffering and hardship and the trials and tribulations their love and fear for me (says Allah to the malikahs) increases."Allah is holding his court. Firaun is having his court here. Allah is holding his court with the malikahs.

And Allah tells them,"In suffering and hardship and the trials and tribulations, the love of my true servants and the fear that they have for me, increases. These are the true, the sincere, the devoted, and the faithful ones. ‘O Asiyah, what do you ask for?’"Allah asks Asiyah in those words,"O Asiyah what do you want? What do you ask? What do you seek? And you tell me what does a faithful slave ask of Allah in these moments?"This is what she asks. She says,"O Allah, you are in Jennah. O Allah, build me a house in Jennah so I can be close to you and near you."Allah (SWT) orders Gabriel to reveal to her, as her eyes closes, as she is about to die, Gabriel (AS) is ordered to reveal to Asiyah her home in Paradise, in Jennah. And seeing this, she was soon overcome with joy and peace and she passes silently out of this world…


General wedding tips

9 general wedding tips for muslims ..

There are plenty of things to consider in wedding planning and arrangement. These are a few things which are either unknown or forgotten:

1. Invite the poorAccording to one Hadith, the worst meal is the feast of a Walima in which rich people are invited and poor people are left out.Don't let your Walima be a class-based affair. Make sure that all guests are welcome, regardless of their economic situation.

2. Invite a multiethnic audienceMake your wedding party more representative of the Ummah (the worldwide Muslim community) by inviting Muslims of different ethnic backgrounds, whether it's the local Imam and his family who are Turkish, the African-American Muslima who accepted Islam recently or the Lebanese family in your neighborhood.

3. Practice gender privacy at your weddingThis means providing women-only space where sisters who observe different levels and types of Hijab feel comfortable.Most sisters like to dress up for a wedding, but they want to enjoy themselves without being watched by strange men. Also remember that your other guests have nothing to lose with this kind of set up so in the end, providing for women-only space works out for the best for everyone.There are different ways to accommodate women-only space in a hall.* You can have separate rooms for men and women. This is the ideal solution for maximum privacy.* You can have a room in which there is a curtain or a row of tall plants* In larger halls, you can make two distinct areasIf your family tradition is not to have weddings arranged in this way, consider this: you will Insha Allah (if Allah wills) receive Allah's blessings if you do so for seeking to accommodate your guests and trying to observe an Islamic practice which has been in place for about 1400 years.In programs where women-only space is provided, children need to be divided up between parents. Older boys should stay with their dads. Older girls stay with mom. Young girls who are toilet trained can also go with dad.It should also be remembered that professional camerapersons can violate the privacy of individuals by taking photos or videos without their consent. If you are taking photos or videos make sure not to include non-relatives or those who do not want their picture taken.

4. Set up a hospitality lineThis is a line of hosts who will welcome guests when they arrive at the wedding.Those who will be included in the hospitality line need to be told in advance that they will be part of it. They should not be told once they reach the hall for the wedding.

5. Have the hosts make rounds during dinnerWhen guests are digging into dinner, hosts should go around, making sure everyone has what they need and inviting those who are finished to take more.

6. Set the stageIt should be decided by the hall committee who will sit on stage at the wedding and exactly where. This has to be done carefully. The feelings of relatives and close family friends are important to consider when making decisions about this.

7. Make sure to set up a gift tableWhere are you going to put all those goodies? Set up a specific gift table near the stage with a sign saying "Please put gifts here. Thank you."

8. Mind the bathroomsTake into account how many guests are coming and see if the washrooms at the hall are big enough. If it's a large gathering, request hall administrators to have a cleaning person come in every half hour or so to clean up quickly in between.Also, if one of the prayers occurs during the wedding, that means the washrooms will be used for Wudu (ablution before prayer). Ask the hall administrators to accommodate this by providing extra paper towels.

9. Avoid making unnecessary announcementsAvoid making unnecessary announcements of any sort during the program and keep the mike close by so children do not mess around with it.


suami jadi suri rumah

PEKAN 13 Mei - Isu suami menjadi suri rumah, manakala isteri keluar mencari rezeki perlu dirujuk kepada Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kebangsaan untuk diputuskan kerana ia menyentuh soal hukum syarak, kata Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata, langkah itu perlu kerana jika terlalu banyak kenyataan dibuat, ia dikhuatiri akan menimbulkan kekeliruan di kalangan masyarakat. Beliau mengulas kenyataan Mufti Johor, Datuk Noh Gadut mengenai fenomena songsang suami menjadi suri rumah, manakala isteri bekerja yang disifatkan sebagai melanggar hukum syarak. Ketika ditanya pandangan beliau berhubung kenyataan tersebut, Najib berkata, ia hanya pandangan seorang mufti dan tidak boleh dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang rasmi sebagai fatwa. ``Kenyataan itu hanya merupakan pandangan daripada seorang mufti yang belum lagi menjadi fatwa kerana setiap perkara yang berhubung kait dengan hukum syarak perlu dibawa ke Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kebangsaan untuk dibincangkan terlebih dahulu. ``Jadi itulah bezanya, kita serahkan kepada mufti-mufti untuk beri pandangan mereka,'' katanya kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri Majlis Pelancaran

Program Pembantu Pertolongan Cemas Dalam Setiap Rumah di Sekolah Kebangsaan Ganchong, di sini hari ini. Turut hadir ialah Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil. Utusan Malaysia hari ini melaporkan kenyataan Noh bahawa fenomena itu jika berterusan boleh menyebabkan sesuatu perkahwinan tidak beroleh keberkatan. Menurutnya, tanggungjawab suami sebagai pemimpin dan pencari nafkah keluarga jelas dinyatakan dalam al-Quran, antaranya surah an-Nisa ayat 34 dan surah al-Baqarah ayat 233 serta hadis nabi, ijmak ulama dan qias. Sementara itu, beberapa tokoh agama yang dihubungi oleh Mingguan Malaysia hari ini berpendapat, fenomena songsang ini wajar dinilai semula supaya ia tidak menjadi budaya dalam masyarakat. Menurut mereka, jika dibiarkan berleluasa, dikhuatiri akan menghakis fungsi hakiki kaum lelaki sebagai pemimpin keluarga. Bekas Imam Besar Masjid Negara, Datuk Pirdaus Ismail berkata, kenyataan Noh bahawa suami yang memilih menjadi suri rumah dan membiarkan isteri mencari nafkah sedangkan dia mampu bekerja sebagai melanggar hukum syarak, perlu diteliti sehalus mungkin. ``Walaupun dibolehkan jika keadaan mendesak, dikhuatiri akan membawa perubahan besar terhadap struktur sosial masyarakat dan mengubah keseimbangan dalam institusi perkahwinan,'' ujarnya. Rektor Kolej Islam Darul Ridzwan, Ipoh, Perak, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Yusoff Hussain pula berkata, lelaki yang membiarkan isteri mencari nafkah dengan niat bersenang-lenang dengan hasil pendapatannya, haram di sisi agama. Bekas Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan itu menjelaskan, suami diharamkan `memakan' wang gaji isteri kerana ia boleh menyebabkan mereka menjadi pemalas. ``Prinsip Islam pada asasnya mewajibkan golongan lelaki keluar mencari nafkah kerana mereka ketua keluarga,'' ujarnya. Presiden Persatuan Ulama Malaysia, Mohd. Saleh Ahmad berpendapat, fenomena tersebut dibolehkan jika suami isteri saling meredai dengan syarat isteri menjaga maruah keluarga. Ketua Wanita Jemaah Islam Malaysia (JIM), Dr. Harlina Halizah Siraj pula berkata, apabila suami tidak melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya dengan sempurna, pasti berlaku kepincangan dalam rumah tangga yang sering berakhir dengan penceraian. Yang Dipertua Majlis Agama Islam Pulau Pinang (MAIPP), Shabudin Yahaya berkata, pasangan Islam yang terlibat dalam fenomena songsang seperti itu terdedah kepada risiko penceraian apabila isteri berlaku nusyuz. link


Assalamualikum wr wb

Assalamualaikum wr wb.
Segala puji bagi Allah kerana limpah dan rahmatnya dapat saya membina satu laman blog dengan tujuan untuk menarik minat muslim untuk mengisi dan memperolehi ilmu dari blog ini. Di harap blog ini dapat memberi manfaat dan mencapai objektif pembentukkanya. Dengan kerjsama dan komen-komen yang membina dari sahabat/iah sekalian maka dapat saya memperbaiki diri dari masa ke semasa. Wallahualam...wassalam alaikum...Jazak Allah khairan.....


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