A Story of ISABELLA - In A Luscious Garden
In a famous
In a bed of roses, in a corner, as stated above, sat some Muslims, who appeared to be men of learning, engaged in some discussion.
First man:
Second man (laughing): You want to understand it from me, although even Christian priests... . . .
Isabella, who was sitting at a little distance with her girl friends was alerted on the words "even Christian priests" and said to one of her friends: These Muslims seem to be talking about our religion. Let us hear quietly what they say. A friend responded: Since these Muslims have come here our religion is in great danger.
Isabella: Stop talking. Keep quiet and let us hear what they say.
First man: Muaz! You have said that even Christian priests do not understand it. Do you mean to say that they are following Christianity without understanding it?
Second man: Umar Lahmi! Just put this question to some eminent priest and see what he says. But first you' should tell me your Objection to what
Umar Lahmi: There is no objection in fact. I Just want to understand it and since you have often talked to Christians and have also read their literature, so I want to understand it from you. What I want to know is that when religious law is a curse and Prophet Jesus came to relieve the Christians from this curse, therefore, theft, fornication, disobedience to parents will also be permissible although no Christian believes in their permissibility.
Muaz: How are theft and fornication and other such sins related to the religious law being a curse? I cannot quite follow you.
Umar Lahmi: What I mean is that the Old Testament is the religious law which enjoins that . one should not steal, should not fornicate, should not give trouble to his neighbour, should not disobey his parents, etc. But when the entire religious law is a curse, it will also be a curse to obey these injunctions as these injunctions are also religious law and the very core of it. If what
Muaz : Funny, you want me to clear the very objection which I have put to Christians so often.
Umar Lahmi: Have you ever put it to Christians? What was their reply?
Muaz: They tried to explain it away and were perplexed.
Just then there was the call for the Maghrib prayer and the two learned men made their ablution in a nearby tank and offered prayer
Isabella had listened to this conversation very attentively being keenly interested in theological questions and felt the weight of the objection. She put her mind to it and tried to find out an explanation that she might put it to Muaz and Umar Lahmi. But despite all efforts she was unable to find a solution and, still absorbed in the question, she got up along with her friends thinking that she would ask her father about it.
Isabella left her companions at a crossroad and walked to the eastern gate of Cordova.
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